Ch.12: You're Part of Me

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(Don't own photo)

This took so long, and a 2k word part I scraped. I love all of you who are still here since I first started. Enjoy!


You lazily slid down the elevator wall, curling yourself up so you could feel at least some sort of warmth. The Toad was snuggled into your chest, shaking and absolutely freezing. You had your arms wrapped around him, trying to give him all the warmth you had. The hoodie felt like it was doing nothing to block out the cold hotel air, even when you stretched it to cover your knees it still felt so cold. Each floor that you passed felt like it was spaced out by an eternity. You couldn't even contact E. Gadd due to a technical error that you had no idea how to fix.

On top of the frustration you still felt the guilt from your earlier actions, completely ignoring Luigi when it mattered. It was stupid to do that when all you wanted to do was feel his arms wrapped around you at this moment. Your thoughts were interrupted when your stomach growled loud enough, even for the Toad to hear. He jumped in your arms and all you could do was let out a loud embarrassing laugh.

"Sorry. I get hungry when I'm stressed." You could feel him chuckle softly before trying to get himself comfortable again. Sadly it didn't last long, your stomach once again rumbled, much louder this time. Both you and the Toad burst into a small fit of laughter. He was trying to stifle his laughter by covering his mouth but in the end it just made you both laugh harder when he made an odd high pitched inhale. It was harder to breath as your faces went beet red, feeling a small bit of warmth when the laughter finally died down.

"I think we sh-should find you something t-to eat." The Toad was still trying to stop his giggling, and you nodded along to his words still smiling as you chuckled. You stood up with him cradled in your arms, about to push the second floor button when out of nowhere the elevator began to shake violently. You caught your footing immediately, holding tightly onto Toad as you pushed your back to the right side wall.

"W-What's happening?!" The Toad's voice was high pitched as he turned into your chest, and hid his face while everything began to spiral out of control. The numbers began flashing as they went up, the lights began to buzz and static in the elevator. You could barely hear his muffled cries as music began blaring through the speakers, a song that made your stomach turn. Without any hesitation you slammed your fist into the buttons, knowing it wouldn't do anything but you had to do something. You kept pushing the B1 button, trying not to freak out but with the music getting increasingly louder you knew your sanity was running low. There was another loud cry from the Toad as he covered his ears, sobbing uncontrollably into your hoodie. Your heart leapt into your throat, without thinking you pushed yourself toward the corner then slammed your elbow into the gadget E. Gadd put into the elevator, hoping it would magically start up, but alas you were undoubtably screwed.

"We'll be okay." You kept repeating those words, not only to Toad but also to yourself. It was getting harder to keep your body from falling to the ground as the elevator reached the top floor, for a moment there was silence. Your head was swarming with so many thoughts, you knew this was where Hellen resided and Him. Suddenly all the lights when out, as well as the music. The only thing you could see was the small flashing lights coming from your poltergust in the mirror. You sank to the ground, keeping the Toad against your chest. They weren't going to get him. You couldn't lose someone that you could protect, not again.

The Toad kept quietly sobbing into your hoodie, still covering his ears as the elevator ran ice cold once again. You knew what that meant. You slowly unholstered your flashlight, slowly moving toward the corner and ducking beneath E. Gadd's gadget. If this could get any worse that wouldn't surprise you. You flicked on the flashlight making sure you were aimed at the door, then clicking it off. You braced yourself as the elevator dinged. The doors shook, and as it did you placed your hand against the button switching it to the vacuum. You held your breath as the door slid open slowly, letting dark purple light into the room. It was hard to stop your hand from shaking, and for a moment you shut your eyes bracing yourself for the storm.

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