Ch.2: King Boo Returns

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(Don't own photo)

Edited: 8/13/21

Luigi gently held you in his arms, he threw his right arm in the air letting out a cry of victory, it was unusual for him to do something so loud and out of character. You don't remember him doing this,

"(Y/n) we did it!" His Italian accent shown more in that one sentence as he tightened his grip around your shoulder, his mustache tickled your neck as he snuggled into you.

"I'm so glad we made it! Thank you for helping me save my brother!" He gave a slight chuckle his hot breath on your neck made goosebumps form along your body.
After awhile of hugging, Luigi did something that you least expected him to do, he pulled away locking his eyes with yours yet something about this felt so wrong, as much as you wanted to believe this was your Luigi something just didn't feel right.

Luigi gently cupped your face and slowly leaned in, you tried hard to think of it as being amazing but as his gloved hand suddenly felt cold you knew this was a mistake. In an instant you watched his eyes change from a blue to a dark shiny purple and his toned skin become a pale white, the beautiful rows of teeth suddenly turned into sharp fangs, a laugh echoed in your head as you watched this things brown hair turn into a white silver color, the mustache that once tickled your face wasn't felt anymore.

"My dear (y/n), I knew you wouldn't forget me." That once innocent Italian voice became deep and cold.
Once it's lips pressed against yours you felt your body numb, your lips becoming dry, a deep overwhelming pain in your chest and suddenly that voice you loved most shot through the tense air leaving your ears ringing....

"(Y/n)!!" You shot up from your bed the scenery around you still the same, you quickly looked outside noticing the almost purple night sky outside.
You quickly got up from your bed feeling wobbly as you took a deep breathe trying to brush away the dream. You started walking to the door and gently opened it, there was that same laughter that came through the icy air. Once you opened the door you were face to back with a round figure, a boo but this one was much larger in size and the purple aura forming around a jewel upon its head, like a crown. Suddenly the world came crashing down on you, the realization of the thing that stood before you and the figure from your dream made your legs weak.

You quickly and quietly shut the door, grabbing your flashlight and quickly hiding underneath the bed barely squeezing your body under. And just as quickly the door slammed open, you held tightly onto the flashlight hoping that he wouldn't find you. Then the same voice from your dream echoed through the room,

"Where did she go! Don't just float around. Go find her, NOW!" His voice was like booming fireworks in your ears making you jump slightly, you thanked the person who made the furniture that the bed didn't shake.

"R-right away sir." That voice, you knew that voice, it was the workers and Steward.
And in an instant all sound stopped, you wanted to cry but you had to stop yourself. Quietly and slowly as possible you lifted the bed cover slightly off the ground taking a peak out from under the bed, noticing it was clear, you slid out from under the bed. You tried to think of anyone else it could've been but you knew deep within your soul that it was him and he was back to get you and Luigi for locking him away.

You began to pant now realizing you had held your breathe the whole time, all that your mind could think of was Luigi and his presence that made you calm. Without any hesitation you began to change your clothes, getting yourself prepared to go find the others.
Before you stepped out you checked yourself in the mirror, the (f/c) decorated shirt was matching perfectly your torn black jeans and navy blue sneakers, the once lively smile you wore was now a frown. You hugged your arms closely around you feeling the chilly air, as you stepped out of the room, noticing the difference immediately, almost like it was Halloween themed, nothing was bright and beautiful as it once was.
You opened your door again and looked inside noticing that everything in your room was colorful and bright, once again you stepped out feeling creeped out at the fact your room was different from the rest. As if on queue you felt a shiver run down your spine noticing a few ghosts floating around by the elevator, you quietly ducked behind a cleaning wagon and quickly when into Luigi's room. Once you stepped into his room you noticed it was the same as the hallway, dark and gloomy. You gently went through his things to find anything useful, your flashlight gleamed on a shiny object next to his bed, you noticed the dark brown cover of a book. Gently you picked up the book noticing the pages were filled with a romantic story, you skimmed through the pages until a certain line caught your (e/c) orbs,

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