Ch.13: Star Shopping

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I changed a lot of the chapter names cuz I've recently named some chapters after songs or lyrics. Also some song just hit while rereading these chapters, good luck figuring out which songs lol. I'm not sorry either... Enjoy the twist🥲


You hung your head in your hands, sinking deeper into the bed you were on. The red blanket wrapped around your shoulders as the white sheets crinkled from the leaves that were laying on it. The glowing flowers around you were beautiful, breathtaking. This floor was your favorite out of the rest of them, you did like all of them and the ghosts that were in them but this was your favorite. The flowers spoke to you, from the smallest piece of grass to the lush brush of blooming flowers. It was like a dream come true to be in a place that felt like home. But your heart ached, it hurt. Your confession to Luigi was a dud, due to E. Gadd's interruption and Hellen's words. You let Luigi go ahead, he knew your awe struck gaze as you smelled every flower you came in contact with. The circumstances were dire, yet here you were drowning in the underlying pain and beauty of it all. That gardener was amazing, you envied him for being able to stay in such a beautiful place and nursing each flower to blossom. You wanted so badly to drown yourself in such grace, to be in your own little world of roses and daffodils.

Luigi was also captivated by its charm but he was scared, he was horrified and for your sake he kept some of that hidden just to be strong for you. You hated that. You put on this sweet, strong front too but deep down you were scared, scared of King Boo, scared of Hellen and everything in between. Your body raged with so much aggression it blocked out all those fears and you never noticed the glow of this stupid bracelet.

You played with the small light blue stone that was carved perfectly to match your favorite insect. The glow was never this strong, something about being near King Boo was causing it to have to work extra. You wanted to take it off, to see what would happen but as you looked at the small cracks searing into its beauty you knew it wouldn't be long till it broke.
You hiccuped, feeling tears stinging your eyes. This bracelet is what controlled your fear, you assumed each time it glowed that's when your anger and sadness overpowered your fear. It was a gift that came in handy but how could E. Gadd give you this bracelet without telling you anything?

You kept it on you every day over the years. You slept with it on, you even kept it on when you swam or bathed. It felt like a part of you, a piece that had been missing but now that you knew what it was truly used for... You didn't want to keep it on, yet no matter how hard you tried you couldn't pull it off. You couldn't even cut it off. You tried everything you could but it was stuck to you like glue, it felt like another curse.

You laid back onto the bed, letting your eyes close as you calmed your racing heart. Your annoyance and anger subsided. You were in your happy place, there was no reason to ruin it with stupid things you couldn't control. You shifted slightly to wipe the dried tears from your eyes, turning onto your side. You looked at the flower beside the bed, wanting to hold it in your palms but you were scared you'd accidentally hurt it somehow. So you slowly swayed your hand over one of the closed buds of the flowers, watching as it glowed purple then suddenly it began to blossom. You immediately sat up, staring at your hand then you rushed to another one doing the same motion. It blossomed. You had the biggest dumbest smile as you moved around the room blooming all the glowing flowers.

"It's like magic." You sighed happily as you took in the scent of the flower, but you could only smell the faintest hint of a familiar cologne. It smelt just like Luigi. You took another whiff, enjoying just how similar the flower smelt. The sudden rattling of the door on the other side of the room made you jump, instinctively pulling out your flashlight. You scanned the room, then looked toward the door. It rattled again, you gathered yourself before taking cautious steps toward the door. You braced yourself for the worst as you gripped the door handle. The swift motion of pushing it open and the sudden breeze of air made you dizzy as you looked into the bathroom. There were pink flowers around the bathtub as well as dancing across the ceiling to make the most beautiful bathroom you've ever seen. Your tense body relaxed as the pink petals fell from the ceiling, landing around you in small piles as you did a full 360 pan of the room. The squeal you let out even surprised you as you took off your poltergust, laying yourself in the bed of petals. The aroma was pleasing, it smelt of pollen and honey. You looked up to the ceiling watching petals fall around you, it felt like heaven. Some fell onto your face, then a single petal landed on your nose. It began to tickle, but the smell was lovely. You giggled, picking it off and looking at its beautiful rosey pink color. It felt like silk and each one that landed around you just made your body melt further into the bed of petals. You loved it here, it felt like you could relax fully and let the flowers whisk you away into wonderland.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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