Chapter 5

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*2 years later*

The peacekeeper opens the door to my new room in the President's mansion. I'm glad I got upgraded from the sewers to the mansion, but my heart aches for Olivia. She was a great friend, and made the past 2 years worth it.

But she's dead. And I can't do anything about it.

"The games start tomorrow morning. Be awake at 4:00 a.m., the tributes from 6 arrive at 8:00 a.m." The peacekeeper explains and shuts the door.

I try to falls asleep but can't help the worry that flutters in my chest. District 6? What if my sister is reaped? She's most likely eligible now, being...13?

I sigh and just pray that she isn't reaped.


I'm awoken by the peacekeepers' loud knocking. I leave the warmness of my bed and take a quick shower. Then I get dressed in the uniform that was left for me, a gray silky dress with silver leggings and a mask-like thing on my head. My hair has grown over the years, though, so its frustrating to get it under the mask.

I look at myself in the mirror. I don't look like the me when I was fifteen. I grew maybe 2 inches, and my ribs are completely visible, whereas back in 6, I was decently fed, so I had some fat; My hair, once a light golden color but now a dark brown, has grown to reach my lower back, but before, it was a few inches below my shoulder. My skin used to be so tan, and now it was as light as snow from not being in the sun.

"Hurry up!" They yell.

I open the door and I'm lead to the dining hall, along with the two other avoxes, Caroline and Michael, that were upgraded as well.

They hand us a small portion of mushy oatmeal to down before we're rushed into cooking breakfast for the tributes; eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, waffles, and anything else you could imagine. I'm also forced into making the juice.

After we've set the table, and we're standing behind it politely, its 8:00 sharp when they burst through the door. The escort is looking horrid, with a blue wig, a tight shirt, a very, very short red pencil skirt, and her face caked with colorful makeup. I've learned to hide my emotions, though, so I keep my face blank. She smiles at us and sits down.

The tributes walk in. The boy is old, probably 18, with a strong build. The girl immediately gasps when she sees me. I study her for a moment. She's tiny, with long, curly hair that tumbles down her back, similar to mine. She has hazel eyes, like mine, and tan, golden skin. She looks very frail and afraid, unlike she did moments ago when she walked in. The girl has tears streaming down her face as she runs away from the room.

The realization hits me after a moment, and I have to bite my cheeks to keep from screaming.

That little girl is my sister.


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