Chapter 4

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I'm awoken by a squeal. I scream and knock over the glass of water on my nightstand.

I sit up and rub my eyes. When my vision has cleared, there's a girl standing before me, her mouth agape.

She makes some weird signs with her hands and I frown. She immediately notices and grabs a notepad and pen. After a moment of scribbling, she hands me the paper.

Hi, I'm Olivia. You must be the new girl?

I quickly write back in reply.

My name is Lilly. What are those signs you did with your hands?

Olivia giggles.

That's something that our ancestors did. Its called sign language.


She giggles again.

Sign language.

Our conversation is interrupted by a peacekeeper.

"Olivia." Olivia stands up straight and stares at him. "Take Lilly to work, she'll be your new partner."

Olivia nods and gestures to me. I follow her and we head over to the elevator. The peacekeeper shuts our door.

The elevator travels down so deep, my ears pop. Olivia leads me out of it and I study the 'work' place. A dark, dirty sewer stares back at me, water dripping out of the rusty pipes. I step immediately slip, face first, into a mud puddle once i take another step.

Olivia helps me up and hands me a red jumpsuit. I follow her example and slip it on over my dirty clothes.

The place smells horrible and I wrinkle my nose. Looking back up, my face reddens. Everyone stares at me. Olivia smiles at me and then turns to my audience, making some angry gestures with her hands. Everyone turns red and looks at me, making a circle on their chest with their fist.

I frown in confusion, and Olivia grabs a stick and writes SORRY in the dirt. I nod and smile at everyone in understanding.

There's a small cart full cleaning supplies, so I grab a water bucket and a bright yellow sponge. I head over to a pipe and start scrubbing.

A few hours later, work is over. My arms ache from scrubbing so hard, so I take a cold shower-they don't give us hot water, which I figured immediately when i stepped in-and my bed welcomes me. There's only one blanket, but its warm enough for me.

As I start to drift off, I remember my family. What are they doing right now? Do their hearts ache like mine for my father? Do they miss me?

These thoughts haunt my brain as I fall asleep in my new bed, with my new life, without my family.


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