Chapter 8

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Today is probably one of the last days of Samantha's life; the day of the interviews. I stand backstage, waiting for her to finish. The district one tribute is wearing a bright pink dress that drags as she walks, showing that she's short for her age. Light blond hair falls down her back, making her blue eyes shine. She talks to Caesar Flickerman confidently, as do most career tributes, which are the tributes from districts 1, 2, 4, and in some cases, district 3.

I'm starting to doze off around 4, but Caesar's voice booms through the air.

"Now, let's welcome Ms. Samantha Simmons from district 6!"

I catch myself as I almost gasp at Samantha. She's wearing a beautiful light green dress that reaches her knees. Her dark hair is shorter than it used to be, as before, it was below her hips, and now, it's a few inches above her ribs.

Samantha also has on green flats and a touch of mascara over her thick lashes, and her eyebrows are trimmed perfectly, along with a bronze type of eyeshadow.

"So, Samantha," Caesar begins. "How old are you?"

"I'm 13." She says quietly.

"You're pretty young. What about your family?"

Samantha sniffles, and tears threaten to spill over her lashes. She clears her throat.

"M-my f-f-father d-died a few years ago..." She pauses. "Then my m-m-mother died a while later." I can hear someone in the audience sobbing.

"I have an older sister, but she... disappeared when my father died." A single tear makes its way down her cheek but she wipes it away quickly.

Caesar touches her hand gently. "I'm sorry. Before you go, can I ask you one more thing?"

She nods.

"Why did you volunteer?"

Samantha thinks for a moment. "Girls her age shouldn't have to go into an arena with no chance of surviving."

The audience is silent. The buzzer goes off, indicating that her time has ended.

"Let's wish the best of luck to Samantha Simmons!"

The audience claps and Samantha walks over to me.

We walk silently and as soon as we reach our floor, she runs into her room. I can hear her sobbing.

I'm supposed to prepare dinner, though, so I finish cooking the chicken and then set the table with the drinks. Afterwards, I head over to her room to signal her for dinner.

Samantha is tangled up in a pile of silk clothing, her mascara running down her face. I walk over to her and try to help her get out, but she screams at me. My eyes widen and I step back, but then I kneel down next to her and pull her out of the pile.

I take a deep breath and look around for any cameras. I don't see any, but I know that they're hidden somewhere. Taking my chances, I look at Samantha. She's still crying and her body is shaking.

I think for a moment, and I finally get the guts to pull her into my arms. I hug her tightly.

Samantha stops crying and hugs me back.

"I missed you," She whispers, kissing my cheek.

We finally pull away and once Samantha has washed her face, I take her to the dinner table.


Hey guys! Sooo i hope you liked this chapter! I'll update my other books soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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