Chapter 3

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I'm shoved into the hovercraft cell. After about a minute, the peacekeepers come back with people wearing scrubs and gloves. They grab my arms and strap me down onto a table, connecting wires and tubes to my chest and arms.

"Wait, what's going-" I stop when I see all of the metal tools. "Are you cutting out my tongue?"

They grin at me and I start to scream.

"Please! I'll do anything! Just not my tongue! I don't want to be an Avox!"

A man with the scrubs grabs a tool that looks like a knife and gestures to the other two people. They hold my mouth open, the grip very strong.

I try to bite down on their hands, but I can't. They quickly switch out their hands with some metal contraction that's basically stretching my mouth out too far. I try to hold my tongue back, but the man with the knife grabs it. A nurse runs in and whispers something. He yells in frustration and turns to me.

"We won't cut out your tongue-" My eyes widen.

"From orders of the president. But you are not allowed to speaks." He grabs the collar of my shirt. "Speak once, and you will die."

Fear fills my chest. Why is this happening to me? The fear expands to my lungs. The stupid Capitol people laugh.
I start to gasp, unable to breathe. They immediately stop laughing and a doctor grabs a tube, shoving it down my throat, making it even harder for me to breathe. My eyes widen and I try to break my arms free. I hear rapid beeps from a machine next to me.

Why aren't they letting me die?

But I'm unable to finish the thought as everything fades into darkness.

When I wake up, a tube is still in my throat. I gasp, trying to get air. The peacekeepers that came to my house are frowning at me.

"Don't move." The man I slapped says.

I'm confused. How am I still alive? Why am I not dead?

The doctor walks in and stares at my face. I still can't breath with that tube down my throat.

"Well, you gave us quite a scare." The doctor yanks my hair, making the monitor speed up. He roughly pulls the tube out of my mouth and I cough blood onto his shirt.

He slaps me. "You deserve to die!"

I scream in pain. My mouth still hurt.

Unstrapping me, the peacekeepers pull me to my feet and drag me out of the hovercraft. The cold air hits my bare skin, since I'm only wearing a nightgown. I squint my eyes at the bright sun.

"Make a move and I will not hesitate to kill you." The woman hisses, her breath making my spine tingle with fright.

I'm pushed into a grey building. Everyone in there stares at me as I walk in. The building, for some reason, is completely silent.

The peacekeepers take me to my 'room' which consists of two small beds, two nightstands, a bathroom, and a single dresser.

"You will start work tomorrow." One of them says.

I frown, and try to ask a question, but then I remember that I can't speak anymore. So I sit on the bed and glumly look at them.

"Your work is with your new roommate. She'll try to explain to you. Oh, wait, she can't!" The peacekeepers laugh and walk out.

I lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Out of nowhere, the tears pour down my face. I want everything to go back to normal. I want to go hunting with Abby. I want to go bake with Mom. I want to sing my favorite songs with Dad. I want to go have tickle fights with Samantha.

But I can't. Of course, the Capitol had to interfere and take everything I loved away from me.


Okay I know you guys hate me right now😂 but you're going to hate me even more as I go on with the book😂 hey, good authors kill ur favorite characters😬 (aka Suzanne Collins, John Green, Veronica Roth...etc etc)
But avoxes probably went through that all the time. Poor Lilly😭

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I love you all💗

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