Chapter 7

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I wake up groggy and slump over to the shower. We're still not allowed to use warm water, so the cold water wakes me up. I'm shivering as I step out, so I quickly slip on the uniform. I roughly brush my long hair out since I don't have much time and as soon as I've secured it, a peacekeeper yells at me to get out.

The tributes got here early yesterday, so the tribute parade is today. We were told to cook up a storm, as they didn't want anyone to be hungry.

Samantha and the boy, who's name I still don't know, come to the dining room a few hours later. The boy looks fine, and Samantha's eyes are red and puffy. I just want to wrap her in my arms, but I can't. She'll get hurt because of me.

Caroline and I are told to go with the tributes to the place where they get ready, to help out if the stylist needs it. Which is odd to me, but I don't say anything.

I take Samantha to where she needs to go, and Caroline takes the boy, who's name is 'Nathan' I later find out.

Samantha slips on a blue hospital-like gown and then lays back down on the table. She looks at me with fright in her eyes as the prep team walks in. They wheel in a cart with all types of tools.

"She's a beauty!" The lady with blue hair exclaims. Her ribs are visible beneath her silky green top.

"I think she could use some work." The male with purple hair says as he yanks Samantha's hair. She cries out in pain.

"Leave her alone!" The other lady exclaims, shielding Samantha. The woman is truly beautiful, with curly blond hair just past her hips and bright green eyes.

They start their work on her by soaking her hair in a thick, soapy substance. The male looks at her eyebrows distastefully and grabs a string. He immediately starts to rub it against her eyebrows and the hair falls off.

"No!" Samantha screams, sitting upright. Her back is soaked with water from her hair.

I have to help them put restraints on her, since she won't stop kicking them. She starts to cry silent tears as he continues.

After a few hours of nonstop screaming and hair waxing, Samantha is ready to see her stylist. I walk her to the lady with kind violet eyes and red hair. Her name is Kate, I find out. She talks to Samantha about her outfits and Samantha calms down.

I deliver to them a delicious lunch of rice, vegetable soup, chicken soaked in an orange sauce, and a warm loaf of bread. My stomach growls as I stand to the side.

Samantha obviously sees me staring, as I was a very hungry person at home.

"Would you like some?" Samantha asks me.

My eyes widen. Tributes aren't allowed to speak to us. I bite my tongue and blood fills my mouth.

Kate sighs. "Samantha, you can't speak to tributes. It's a rule."

Samantha frowns and rips off her bread frustratingly, her elbow hitting the bowl of rice, which falls on the floor."Oh my gosh, I'm sorry."

I immediately kneel down to scoop it up, but Samantha does too-of course-and we bump heads.

"Sorry!" She cries.

"Samantha! Don't help an avox! Their job is to help you." Kate yells.

I take her to her seat and throw away the rice.

"I'm not hungry, can we please leave?" She asks Kate.

"Of course." Looking at me, she glares. "You can head backstage to the parade place. You're not needed right now, just escort Ms. Simmons back to her room after the parade."

I nod and head over to the backstage place. After an hour of standing the parade starts.

I ignore everyone until my sister comes out. Tears fill my eyes at the sight of her, wearing a long beautiful dress that brings out her eyes, her long hair wrapped into a thick bun.

But Samantha doesn't give the audience a second look. She glares at the air in front of her, hands curled so tightly into fists so tightly her knuckles are white.

And then I realize something after looking at everyone.

She's the only angry one.

The president steps out after everyone has circled around, and during his speech, his snake-like eyes stare at Samantha the whole time.


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