Chapter 6

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Um, i hope this doesnt confuse you, but im going to change something. Instead of her tongue being taken out, shes gonna have a tongue, but shes just not allowed to talk bc i got a good idea but she needs to talk for it😬 i hope ur not confused or fazed by this!


We all stand in utter silence at the scene a few moments ago. The escort giggles and says,

"Well, that was something!" And starts to eat her salad.

The boy stares at her in disgust-which I'm grateful for-and walks away to his room.

I want to scream. Blood fills my mouth from biting my cheeks.

I'm serving the escort and the mentors their food when I hear a crash and glass breaking. Michael takes over my position and I grab a rag, a trash bag, and first aid kit. I open the boys room but see him sound asleep, tangled in a mess of blankets. I close the door and head to Samantha's room.

Taking a deep breath, I quietly open the door and my eyes widen at the site. Glass from the cup on her nightstand is in shards, spread out on the carpet. Her bed sheets are thrown on the floor. The lamp is cracked.

Samantha sits on the floor, covering her ears and rocking herself back and forth, tears streaming down her face. Blood covers her hands and forehead. Glass sticks out of her toe.

I quietly walk over to her and lift her head up, studying her cuts. Then I grab her foot. I gently pull out the glass, and she squeezes my hand. I then take her hand and lead her to the shower. She grips me so tightly the whole time. I help her step into the shower and turn on the warm water, handing her some shampoo. She glances at me, tears falling down her face along with the water.

"They killed Mom. She's dead." She says with no emotion.

My eyes widen, but I quickly regain my posture and nod. Closing the door, I quickly clean up the glass and throw it away. I keep blinking away the rapid tears that form. Mom's dead? My mother, who never did anything wrong? Who loved and cared for my sister with all her heart?

I pick out night clothes for Samantha after cleaning up and hand them to her once she steps out of the shower. I then bandage her cuts and help her climb into bed. I walk out and back to the kitchen where the escort looks at me from the living room. They're watching the reaping.

"Is she okay?" I nod.

"Is she sleeping?" I nod again and take my position.

After 20 minutes, its time for District 6. I watch closely.

"Ladies first, of course." The escort says. She plucks a slip from the very bottom.

"Emily Daniels."

A small girl from the 12 year old section-oh no, not the 12s-steps out, her bright red hair tied into two pigtails. There's a cry from the audience, a little boy. He looks about 6, maybe. His mother restrains him from running to her.

"Emily!" He cries.

And then, right before Emily hits the final step, a girl shouts out,

"Wait! I volunteer."

The camera points to the 13 year old section. The girls make a path for the volunteer. She walks to the stage and the escort introduces her.

"What's your name, darling?"

"Samantha Simmons."

Oh, Samantha.


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