Party Breaker

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As the time flies, day by day they live and train in Stark Building to master their fighting skills and at last they fully mastered as they complete a big mission successfully.
Then they celebrate their winning day at the dining hall. Everyone gathers include The Avengers and celebrate together as a family.
Tony: Today is our winning day, these kids have proven their skills by successfully save this city.
Everyone applauds.
Tony: Now let's enjoy.
Everyone cheers.
Then everyone gathers on a table where Thor's hammer been put.

Then everyone gathers on a table where Thor's hammer been put

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Thor: No one can lift this except me.
Steve: How can you be so sure?
Tony: Who ever that can lift this hammer, he or she got a title.
Hope: What title?
Tony: Thor's Big Boss.
Thor: Haha, believe me no one can lift it.
Then Steve steps forward and try to lift, but it only move up a little.

Then Steve steps forward and try to lift, but it only move up a little

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Steve: Wow, it is heavy.
Thor: Hah! Told ya! Anyone?
As Joonhwi finishes his drink, he steps forward.
Joonhwi: Me!
He then lift the hammer with two hands and only move a little bit higher than Steve.
Steve: Wow, you are stronger than me.
Thor: But still he can't lift it up.
Joonhwi tries harder and suddenly farts loudly. Everyone shakes their head as their move their hand side by side so they can't smell the fart.
Hope: Dang boy!
Joonhwi: Oops. I'm sorry I have a really bad stomach today. Excuse me.
Joonhwi runs to the toilet leaves them at the table.
Mia: Pity his tummy.
Thor: Well, who's next? Hah you! Hope! Make me proud.
Hope: I'm not that strong.
Thor: Give it a try.
Hope lifts the hammer a little bit high and move it to the right.
Thor: I'm proud.
Hope: That thing is super duper heavy like too much.
Everyone laugh.
Peter: Romeo, you next!
Romeo: Oh my..
Luther: Me! Me!
Tony: Make me proud Luther.
Thor: Let see what this little Tony can do.
Luther lifts the hammer with two hands to his chest and then put it down.
Luther: It's heavier than Mr. Stark's dumbell!
Thor: Ofcourse, Tony's dumbell is only for my pinky finger.
Tony: How dare you..Point break.
Thor stares at Tony.
Romeo: How about you love, just try.
Sarah shakes her head.
Steve: Love?
Hope: He calls all of his girlfriends, love. No biggy as my friend said.
Steve: Ouh.
Thor: Anyone?
Romeo: Sarah!
Sarah: Are you crazy? I am the smallest here.
Peter: Don't forget about me.
Natasha: Oh yeah I almost forgot Peter are not that tall. How about you two stand side by side.
Tony: Ah yes!
Peter stands up as Sarah approaches and stands beside him.
Natasha: Ouh.. Sarah is the smallest. So cute.
Sarah smiles as Peter jumps happily.
Thor: So Sarah, you have to lift this hammer since you are the smallest.
Sarah: What?! That doesn't make any sense.
Romeo: Go Sarah! You can do it!
Everyone chants her name.
Sarah: Alright alright.
Sarah holds the hammer two hands and lifts it higher than her own head.
Everyone shocks especially Thor.
Thor: How-
Tony: It seems Thor has a big boss.
Thor: Wait.
Thor moves further from the table.
Thor: Okay now pass it to me.
Sarah: Pass this to you?
Thor nods.
Sarah then swings the hammer with one hand as Thor always do and passes it to him.
Steve: Wow!
Thor: Now catch.
Thor passes the hammer back to Sarah and Sarah catches it.
Tony: Behold, the title Thor's Big Boss goes to Sarah!
Everyone cheers.
Romeo: As Jullian will say,
Mia and Hope: Sarah is full of surprise.
Sarah: Oh yeah, where's Jullian?
Luther and Natasha exchanges look.

Meanwhile, Joonhwi is on his way from the toilet to the dining hall. Then he sees Bruce examines an arm. Joonhwi then approaches Bruce as he immediately lifts up the cover of the arm.
Jullian: Mr. Barner! What are you doing with Jullian's arm?

 Barner! What are you doing with Jullian's arm?

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Bruce: This is not Jullian's, I guess. Well I still examine it.
Joonhwi: Where's Jullian?! I need to talk to him! Jullian! JULLIAN!
Bruce: Jullian is not here! We only found 6 of you and this arm.
Joonhwi: But Luther said..
Bruce: He covers up so you all can focus. He's doing that for good.
Joohwi: No! He's doing this for himself!
Joonhwi rushes to the dining hall furiously while Bruce follows him.
Bruce: Joonhwi! Joonhwi!

As in the dining hall,
Mia: I almost forgot about him.
Romeo: I hope he's okay since he lefts a lot of lessons.
Hope: I wonder why he's sleeping so long..
Joonhwi approaches them.
Luther: Hey Joo-
Joonhwi: YOU A LIAR!
Bruce: Joonhwi!
Tony: Bruce?
Joonhwi comes closer to Luther and about to punch him but been hold by Steve.
Joonhwi: Let me go, Mr. Roger!
Steve: Please be calm.
Hope: Joon! Calm down!
Mia: Why you suddenly be this mad?!
Joonhwi shrugs and point his finger to Luther.
Joonhwi: YOU! Tell them!
Luther: Tell them what?
Joonhwi: JULLIAN!
The kids look at Luther.
Hope: Whats going on..
Luther just go silents.
Joonhwi: You don't want to tell?! Then I tell them. Mr. Barner told me they only dound 6 of us and an arm, and when I look at the arm, it's Jullian's!
Natasha stands up.
Natasha: That's not Jullian's. And that arm is still ongoing, but still we can't confirm it's Jullian.
Mia: But still you have to tell us the truth..
Natasha: Oh not you too..
Joonhwi: And the most shocking part, EVERYONE KNOWS EXCEPT FOR ME, ROMEO, SARAH, HOPE AND MIA!!
Sarah: They have their reason-
Joonhwi: Easy fo you to say, Sarah!
Hope: Because you don't even care about Jullian!
Sarah shocks.
Romeo: Please, we can settle this-
Joonhwi: Hah You! Go back up your little girlfriend!
Romeo stands up and about to punch Joonhwi but Sarah holds him.
Sarah: No Romeo..
Luther: What's wrong with you?!
Joonhwi: What's wrong with me?! No! What's wrong with you lying to us all the time!!
Hope stands beside Joonhwi.
Hope: He's right. You suppose to tell us the truth.
Sarah: As Natasha told us, we can't confirm that is Jullian's.
Mia then stands up right infront Sarah.
Mia: And as Hope said, you don't even care about Jullian. All you care is about yourself! You take all the boys with you! You know I have a little crush on Luther but you want to take him from me!
Sarah: What are you talking about?!
Mia: Who else do you want?! Thomas?! Minho?! Romeo?! Peter?!
Peter: What?
Mia: Is it one is not enough?? You take everything! You are the youngest queen! You got the highest capable blood! You already take out your Chi! You can lift this annoying hammer!
Thor: What did you say?!
Sarah: Mia..
Mia: Enough! Your blue eyes can calm anyone but not me!! I can't believe you would hide this thing from me, Natasha. I idolised you. And all the Avengers..
Natasha: Don't idolised me. Idolise your friend, Sarah.
Mia: LOOK!
Mia leaves them as Joonhwi and Hope follows her at the back.
Luther sits down and puts his palms to his face. Romeo approaches and calms him by rubbing his back.
Romeo: It's okay. Give them some time to think.
Luther: This is all my fault. I asked Natasha and Mr. Stark to keep it shut.
Sarah: If I be you, I also did the same thing.
Bruce: I'm sorry.
Tony: There's no need to be sorry. Everyone has their reason. I guess the party is over, so go back everyone.
Peter: How about me, Mr. Stark?
Tony: You too Peter. Happy is waiting for you.
Peter: Ouh.. okay, Mr. Stark. Good night everyone.
Everyone goes back to their room as Peter then goes to the lift. Then, Sarah goes to the balcony and Romeo approaches her.
Romeo: Are you okay, love?
Sarah nods.
Romeo: You still thinking what Mia told you?
Sarah: Do Luther have crush on me? Do Thomas has? Minho? You? If I just don't lift the hammer.. take the blood test.. I'm so selfish..
Romeo: Love, we can't control everything. It happens that someone crush on you, you be the queen, you got the highest capable blood, you can carry the hammer, you can dance.
Sarah giggles and punches playfully at his arm.
Sarah: Hahaha, the dance..
Romeo smiles as he looks at Sarah's smile.
Romeo: Aww you're smiling.
Sarah: Thanks to you..
Romeo: Now let's head back, we must have enough sleep for tomorrow.
Sarah nods.
As they on their way to their room, they shock to see a boy and a girl kissing at the hallway.
Romeo: Is that...
Sarah: ...

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