Will You Take Me With You

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Party Poison was back.

He was back with him, and everything was right.

Frank had a fever, going in and out of consciousness throughout the night. He woke up several times from nightmares, and every time, Party would hold him closer and comfort him until he felt better.

'Shh, baby,' he whispered in Frank's ear, running his hands up and down his back, and it was working like magic. 'I'm here with you.'

Frank's brain was still a little foggy, and there were brief moments when he'd remember everything. A random memory of them in the middle of the desert, and Kobra saying something about an iguana he found. Or Party telling him a story about aliens while they sat by the bonfire. Then, he wouldn't know where he was, or who was the man sleeping next to him, and he'd have a panic attack.

'Who are you?' he'd say, anxious, keeping his distance from the other man.

'It's me. Party.' The man looked tired, and defeated. And yet, his eyes were warm and made Frank feel home for some reason. 'It's okay,' he said, trying to reach for his hand, but Frank shook his head. 'You wanna talk?'

He shook his head again. 'Where's Bob?'

'I think he's asleep. It's kinda late and we took his bed, so he must be sleeping on the couch.'

Frank just nodded. 'I'm just – I think I'm gonna be sick.' Without saying anything else, he ran to the bathroom to relieve himself.

'Is everything okay?' he heard Party yell from outside, worried.

'Does it sound like I'm okay?' Frank said after throwing up.

'I'm sorry – I didn't mean to.'

'I know. I'm sorry.' Fuck, he was tired of this. How much longer did he have to go through this? He washed his face and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. He looked at his tattooed hands, shaky under the faucet. His reflection looked like a ghost.

He couldn't help wondering if Korse was looking for him. What if he found out he escaped? What if he found him? Would he hurt him, send him to prison? Would he kill him?

What if Korse was keeping him captive? Did he know who he was? The more he thought about it, the less he couldn't breathe.

He tried to recall his memories. Something, anything. But nothing came up.

How did he end up in Battery City, working at BLI, in a relationship with Korse?

He already had a headache just trying to remember.

What if he never remembered anything?

'Ghoul?' Party asked from the other side of the door. He doesn't know how to tell him he's not that Ghoul guy anymore. 'Are you there?'

'Yeah. Still here.' A second later, he opened the door to find him right there, in front of him. so close. And there's that feeling in his gut, that need to take him in his arms and get lost in him. But he still felt like he didn't know him. 'I'm gonna need some time, okay?' Frank said, avoiding eye contact.

'That's okay. All the time you need.' They stood there for a while, without saying anything. Until the tall man noticed Frank was shivering. So, he took off his hoodie. 'C'mon.'

But Frank wasn't sure about it. Why was he so nice?

'Arms up.' Reluctantly, Frank stepped closer, and did as he told him, and Party put the hoodie on him. it looked twice his size, but it was warm.

And now that party was only wearing a sleeveless shirt, Frank couldn't help noticing his arms. All toned and covered in grease. That urge came back, but he controlled himself. 'Let's get you to bed.'

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