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"Make sure you take that to heart too"

It was another day of Kiyomasa's brutal fight club and Takemichi was getting his ass kicked yet again. Although the beatings hurt, Takemichi refuses to go down. His goal of saving his middle school girlfriend Hinata Tachibana in the future will not allow him to give up.

The crowd of the so-called 'fight club' looked into the distance to see three figures headed their way. Those three figures are the Tokyo Manji Gang's three top members; the commander and his two vices.

"Hey Kiyomasa."

Hearing his name being called, Kiyomasa turned around only to have a look a fear cross his features. Kiyomasa and the crowd immediately recognized the three as they got closer.

"You're scaring the crowd. Calm down, dumbass."

Standing at 6 feet with a long blonde ponytail and a dragon tattooed on the side of his head is Ken Ryuguji, also known as Draken, Toman's vice president. The short guy with the medium-lengthed blonde hair and child-like persona with a dragon tattoo hidden under his hair is the feared Manjiro Sano, also known as Invincible Mikey, Toman's president. The average height girl with (h/l)(h/c) hair and dragon tattoo on the side of her neck, right behind her ear is (f/n) Sano, also known as Vixen, Toman's jewel and second vice president.


"Hey Ken-chin, (n/n)-chin." Mikey said. Both you and Draken turned at the sound of your commander calling your names. "Stop calling us those dumb nicknames. At least not when we're out in public." Draken said as you lightly scoffed. "I'm all out of dorayaki though." Mikey replied. You rolled your eyes as you gave him the dorayaki you bought in advance, knowing he would complain for more. He smiled at you in thanks as he started eating it.

Everyone suddenly bowed as Mikey wiped crumbs from his mouth. "Good day, sir." they all said. You and Draken trailed behind Mikey as he got closer to the blonde beaten up boy. "Good day, commander, sir!" the crowd yelled.

One guy stood from his bow to introduce himself to Mikey excitedly, but Mikey kept walking. "Shut your mouth, Mikey never talks to anyone he doesn't find interesting." Draken said as he walked past the guy. You lightly slapped the guy's cheek while smiling at him. "Make sure you take that to heart, too." you said walking past him also. "Of course, sorry about that." he said in a frightful tone.

Mikey walked past Kiyomasa and didn't look him in the eye. "Welcome master." Kiyomasa greeted. Draken kicked him in the stomach making him hunch over in pain. You walked behind Kiyomasa and kicked him in his back making him go to his knees in front of Draken.

"Kiyomasa, who died and made you king around here?" Draken asked sarcastically. "Make sure you're always that far down when bowing to our commander." Kiyomasa hurriedly answered with a scowl on his face. "Ah, yes sir."

"What's with that look, Kiyomasa? Almost as if you want to do something about it." you said. "No ma'am, I don't!" he said frantically. "That's what I thought." you said lightly laughing as you and Draken looked at Mikey.

'Jeez he's walking like he's in a dramatic ass movie.' you thought to yourself.

"So, who are you?" Mikey asked the blonde boy on the ground. "Takemichi Hanagaki." he replied.

"I see..so, Takemitchy." Mikey 'repeated'. You mentally facepalmed at him as Takemichi looked at him with a confused face. "Huh? Takemitchy?" Takemichi questioned.

"That's what Mikey just said, Takemitchy. Don't you question him." Draken spoke up. Mikey bent down to Takemichi and grabbed his head. "So you, you really in middle school?" Mikey asked. "Yeah." he replied.

"Takemitchy, starting today we're friends. Yeah?" Mikey announced as he stood back up. He walked over to Kiyomasa who had stood back up on his feet.

"Are you the one running these matches?" he asked him. "Yes." Kiyomasa answered with a proud look on his face. Mikey kicked him in his chin, sending his head flying back. If it wasn't so attached to his body, surely it would've flown off.

"Who do you think you are?" Mikey asked after grabbing his hair forcefully and pulling his face to his. He began hitting him repeatedly till he landed face down on the dirt. Resting his foot on top of his head, Mikey turned back to you and Draken. "Okay then. Let's go Ken-chin, (n/n)-chin. Taking bets on this little fight club is lame."

"Stop bringing Toman's rep down." Draken said as you guys followed behind Mikey. You stepped on Kiyomasa's back to get over him as he grunted in pain. "Get out of the way you big ass log. Laying there like you got your ass handed to you or something." you said sarcastically as you laughed.

"Takemitchy, see you." Mikey said as he stopped and turned one last time. You waved to Takemichi before joining him in walking again. "All you losers wake up and scram already." Draken said while you guys left.

"Bro, I'm kind of hungry. Food?" you asked your older brother. Everyone knew you were Mikey's younger sister who barely left his and Draken's sides. They also knew not to trouble you in any way mostly because of Mikey and Draken, but also because of your insane fighting skills that you have. Not better than your brother, of course, but not far behind either.

"You're always hungry." Mikey complained. "Says you, you dorayaki freak!" you yelled at him. Draken hit both of your heads in a way of telling you both to stop arguing. "Ow." you said while rubbing your head. "Oh please, that didn't even hurt." Draken replied. "It hurt my pride." you said while wiping your nonexistent tears away.

"Ugh just come on." Mikey said as he grabbed your wrist and started pulling you to your favorite ramen shop.

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now