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"I don't play nice when it comes to him."

It was now the next day and you, Mikey, and Draken were at Takemichi's school to fetch him. "I'm surprised no adults are asking us questions." you said as you guys walked the halls not knowing where you were going.

You came across a couple of guys in the hall who looked at you mischievously. "The fuck are you punks looking at?" you asked venomously. "Woah pretty lady, no need to be a bitch." he replied. "A bitch, huh?"

He walked closer to you as he smirked. "Let's all have a little fun, what do you say?" You were an attractive person so this wasn't anything new. You just wish these guys weren't such pigs nowadays. Draken and Mikey always knew to sit back and let you do whatever, considering you were never a damsel in distress.

He reached to grab you, but before he could touch you, you grabbed his wrist with one hand and twisted it till you heard it crack. He backed up a bit and scowled at you. "You stupid bitch." he seethed. You ran up and kicked him square in the nose and he fell back unconscious.

Mikey walked up and stood on the guy's back and the other guys that he was with didn't like that. Another guy ran up and you punched him in his chin. He hunched over slightly and you grabbed him by his shoulders to knee him in his stomach, watching him fall over in pain.

"What school are you guys from?" one of them asked.

"Get the hell out of here!" another one said.

You and Draken swiftly took care of all of them and they went down one by one. You looked over to Mikey who had peeked his head through a door. "Hey there he is." he said. You and Draken walked over to the door as Mikey walked in. "Come out and play with us Takemitchy."

Everyone looked at you crazy as the teacher quietly reminded you guys that he was teaching class. Takemichi eventually came out of the room to see everyone you guys beat in the hall. "Our third years wiped out. Hey, uh... what is all that?"

"This is a school so me and Vixen schooled them." Draken said. "Third years? Damn those guys were weak." You mentioned. "Alright all of you wimps, line up lying down on your stomachs." Draken ordered. The guys reluctantly lied down as you guys jumped on their backs, making your way back to the exit.

You guys stopped by the lockers as Mikey turned and Draken slung an arm around Takemichi. "You behaving yourself?" Draken asked him. "You just saw me yesterday." Takemichi said nervously.

"So are you free today?" Mikey asked. "Actually I'm kinda busy now." he replied. "Come hang with us anyway." Mikey insisted. "Yeah Takemitchy, I promise we don't bite." you added. Takemichi kept trying to say no without actually saying no as you noticed other people watching. 'This lowkey looks like a kidnapping.' you thought to yourself.

You noticed a small girl with light brown hair march up towards you guys. "Hold on!" she called out. You wondered what the hell she could want. "Who are you?" Draken asked. She ignored him as she kept walking towards Mikey. She raised her hand as she looked at your brother with a pissed off face.

Before she could do whatever the hell she was thinking, you grabbed her hand and turned your body to slam her back into the nearest lockers. Not too hard though. "Watch it cute face. I don't play nice when it comes to him." you said looking at her as her shocked face turned back into her determined one. She 'shrugged' you off (you let her go) as she scowled.

"Hina!" Takemichi yelled out. He ran to her side quickly. She grabbed Takemichi's hand. "Let's go Takemichi. Don't ever let people like these guys bully you."

Draken stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "Hey, you got a death wish?" he asked. "Yeah what did you think you were doing, huh?" you asked. "Who exactly do you think you are?" she replied. "You just waltz into a school you don't even go to and try to take someone out by force. That's not the kind of thing friends do. Takemichi's been coming home beat up all of the time lately. And if it's happening because of you three, I'll put a stop to it."

Takemichi suddenly put a hand on Draken's shoulder. "You take your hand off of her." Draken bent down a little." What'd you just say? I think I must've heard you wrong." he said. "I said you take your hand off of her right now, you dumbass!" Takemichi yelled. "Oh my, it seems that you've forgotten who you're talking to." Draken said menacingly. "There are some things I won't give up on again!" Takemichi said.

'Enough of this. Can someone just get their ass kicked already.' you thought to yourself. "Aw. And I thought we could be friends." Mikey finally spoke up. "Now the question is...How do you want to die?"

"Just promise me..just promise me one thing." Takemichi said. " Don't ever lay a finger on Hina!"

You laughed out loud. "Oh honey, I'm gonna lay more than a finger." you said as you cracked your knuckles. Takemichi and this 'Hina' girl both looked shocked at what you said.

"Like I care." Mikey said as he drew back his fist. Right before he made contact, he dropped his fist and smiled. "Just kidding." He pat Takemichi's shoulder harshly. "Jeez, you're so gullible, Takemitchy."

"Like I'd ever hit a girl."

"Oh that's bullshit! You hit me all of the time!" you yelled at your older brother. "Well just look at you!" he yelled back. You scoffed as you crossed your arms. Draken came over to pat your head softly.

"Takemitchy, you actually threatened me." Draken said as he moved over to Takemichi and put his arm around his shoulders again. "S-Sorry." Takemichi stuttered out. "It's cool." Draken responded. "There are times when you can't give up. There aren't many guys who'd say that about a girl these days. It's pretty old school."

"Why can't you be old school sometimes you beanstalk." you said. "You're not my wifey so shutup." Draken responded. "Yeah cause you can't handle me, wimp." you said, sticking your tongue out at him. He scoffed as he started to ignore you.

You guys eventually walked outside along with Takemichi and his girl. "I'm sorry!" she said as she bowed. "I had the wrong idea." You placed your hands on your hips. "Apology not accepted, cute face." you said. Mikey elbowed you in your side, making you slouch a little. "She's kidding. It's fine." he said.

She apologized again. "It's fine to do what you can for the one you like, but don't push yourself too much." Mikey continued. "Things can go really wrong, depending on who you're dealing with."

"Right!" she replied, turning around afterwards. "Okay, I'm gonna go."

"Wait, what about our date?" Takemichi asked. "We can do that another time. Your friends came to see you, after all." she replied. Mikey waved her as she finally left.

"I wish someone would take me on a date." you said while pouting and crossing your arms still. "Maybe if you didn't scare guys away, they would ask." Draken said while putting his arm around you. "If they're scared of me, they're just wusses." You say as you roll your eyes.

"She seems nice." Mikey said referring to Hina. "It's rare to find someone like her. Make sure you take good care of her."

You guys finally left from the school on bikes. Mikey on the back of Takemichi and you on the back of Draken. You were riding in silence until Takemichi started to speak up. "Hey, Mikey. Why did you take a liking to me?"

"What a dumb question." Mikey said. "Uh, sorry." Takemichi replied. "I have a brother who's ten years older than me." Your ears perked up at the mention of Shinichiro. You didn't say anything though. Just listened to your brother and Takemichi talk as you rested your head on Draken's back.

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now