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 "Are we gonna fight or what?"

You and Mikey were now at home in his room. Draken decided to tag along for a while. You sprawled out across Mikey's bed as he sat on the floor in front of the table.

"How do you guys feel about Takemitchy?" Mikey asked. "Cool guy." Draken said. You and Mikey waited for him to say something else, but figured that was all he had to say. "It's like you said Manjiro. He reminds me of Shin." you said as you cuddled up to the pillow. Mikey knows you always seemed to get just a little sad at the mention of your older brother and you can't hide it from him.

Draken also noticed and walked to the bed to sit beside you and pat your head. "Is that the only thing you know how to do to comfort people?" you joked as you lightly laughed, not wanting to make everything weird by being sad.

"She's right Ken-chin, your comfort skills are shit." Mikey said making you laugh a little harder. Draken glared at you both as he crossed his arms like a child. "Oh come on, we're kidding Draken. Come on let's play the game." you said, getting up to grab the controllers. You guys played for hours until Draken left.


A couple of nights later, Mikey came to your room to tell you to put your uniform on. You slipped it on quickly as you made your way to the front door where Mikey and Draken were waiting on you.

You guys made your way to Musashi Shrine. Mikey driving his bike and you on the back of Draken's. Everyone rolled up together and Mikey told Mitsuya to fetch Takemichi. You hopped off of Draken's bike.

"Vixen!" you heard a voice call out to you. You turn to see Keisuke Baji, captain of the first division. "Baji" you acknowledged him. "You're still as hot as always." he replied. "Woah Baji, you're brave for hitting on Mikey's sister." Chifuyu said as he walked up. You rolled your eyes. "All flirt and no action Keisuke. When are you going to grow a pair?" You said teasingly as you smirked. Chifuyu laughed loudly and Baji punched him in his side. You giggle as they walk off and you turn your attention back to Draken, now with Takemichi and Hina. "What the hell is your girl doing here Takemitchy?" you questioned. He shyly looked away as Draken called over Emma. She reluctantly walked over, seeing that you were there, right next to Draken as always.

You and Emma weren't necessarily close. One of the reasons being you were always the girl by Draken's side and she wasn't. That didn't bother her at first, until she found out that you had a crush on Draken a year prior. But, that was a year ago, you're over your crush..maybe?

"This is Takemitchy's wifey, so make sure you protect her." Draken ordered. "Roger." she replied uninterested until she saw Takemichi's face. "Hey wussy boy." she greeted. Everyone questioned Takemichi, wondering how he knew Emma.

"You managed to get me into my underwear, then ran away." Emma said. As that scene unfolded in front of Takemichi and his girlfriend, you lost interest and looked into the crowd to lock eyes with a certain purple-haired individual. You shyly waved at Mitsuya as he gave you a lazy-eyed smirk and waved back. Something about Mitsuya always made you soft and shy.

Draken called for Takemichi as he grabbed your ear and dragged you to the front so you guys could start the meeting. "Ow, you big beanstalk!" You winced. "All right, gather 'round everyone! We're starting our meeting!" Draken yelled.

You three trailed behind Mikey as he walked through the man-made pathway. "Good evening, Commander." the gang yelled as you guys passed through. You and Draken went to stand behind Mikey as he stood front and center.

"We're gathered here today to talk about Moebius." Mikey said. "If they go against us, it'll turn into a huge conflict. So..tell me what you all think."

Suddenly you heard Takemichi hit the ground. You looked over to see Pah and Peh picking with him. Mitsuya stepped in to help as they kept bickering.

"Hey, Pah. Keep your mouth shut." Draken said. "If you couldn't fucking tell, your commander is talking." you followed as you glared at the two making all of the noise. "Sorry Draken, Vixen!" Pah replied.

"Don't hold it against him, Takemitchy. Pah's pretty pissed off right now." Draken said. 'He has every right to be.' you thought to yourself. You couldn't believe what Mikey and Draken told you before you guys left the house. Men really are pigs.

"So what do you wanna do Pah? We gonna fight?" Mikey asked. "They're two generations above our gang. Toman's not gonna walk away unscathed. I'd end up making trouble for all of you guys. But I'm so pissed off Mikey.." Pah said.

"That's not what I asked." Mikey said. "Are we gonna fight or what?" This is what being a great leader is about. Listening to your people and what they want.

"I wanna fight! I wanna murder all those sons of bitches!" Pah yelled. "Yeah I figured." Mikey responded. "Anyone here think that Pah's bud getting his ass kicked is too much trouble to deal with? Anyone scared because Pah's bud got beat up? See? There's no one!"

"We're gonna crush Moebius!" Mikey yelled as everyone raised their fist and yelled. "August 3rd! The Musashi Festival is where it's all gonna go down!"

As the ruckus died down, Mikey walked up to you with a serious look on his face. "(f/n)" he called out to you. You gave him your full attention. "I really don't want you fighting against Moebius...they're two generations above us and I don't want you to get hurt."

You looked shocked at his words. "You think I give a shit about them? Plus, I'm one of the best fighters Toman has." you said. Mikey lightly laughed as he pat your head. You figured that he just wanted to see if you were scared or not.

"I wouldn't worry about it Mikey, Vixen's gonna give em hell." Draken said as he rested his arm on top of your head. "Get off of me, you're gonna break my neck!" you yelled as you swatted his arm away. You guys went home and enjoyed another night of playing video games.

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now