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"Tokyo Manji Gang's here jackasses."

It was now night, the night before the festival. "So you're telling me that since Emma asked you first, you're going with her?" you asked him as you crossed your arms. "Well yeah, it makes sense. Why does it matter anyway? You can just go with someone else." he replied.

"I assumed we'd go together!" You said defensively. "Well next time ask and don't just assume." He responded nonchalantly. You scoffed, choosing not to argue because he was kind of right. 

Now that your mood has been brought down because you don't have a date, you decided you'd just head home. Before you went home, you decided to stop at a little convenience store that was nearby to buy some food, specifically a meat bun.

After buying your meat bun, you walked back outside to continue on your path home while eating it. You arrived to see Mikey and Emma sitting on the couch watching a movie together. "I'm home." you said as they glanced up at you. "Welcome home (n/n)-chin." Your brother greeted you happily as your half-sister just glanced at you. You lightly smiled at him before taking a seat next to him.

"How'd it go with Ken-chin?" he asked, fully oblivious to the tension between his two sisters. You had told Mikey that you were excited to go to the festival with Draken only for him to be the one to suggest asking him instead of assuming. Oh boy, was he right. You shook your head and sighed as Emma huffed in annoyance as she got up and left.

You leaned your head onto your brother's shoulder. "Emma asked him first so he's going with her." you sighed. Mikey pulled out his phone and texted something before sitting it back down. Only a few seconds passed before it vibrated and he picked it back up again. "Ah! Baji will go with you." He said. "Baji!? Why'd you ask him?" you said as you sat up.

"Well I do recall him flirting with you." Mikey said as he put his finger up to his chin in thought. "So?! He's never serious about it." you replied. Before Mikey could reply, your phone went off and you looked down to see that Baji texted you.


if you were too shy to ask me, that's all you had to say

go to hell

so mean :'(

anyway, you don't actually have to come with me 

i'll go alone if it's too much trouble

i'll be there princess

 You glared at Mikey, feeling him peeking over your shoulder at the conversation. "This is your fault." He shrugged. "At least you won't be alone." 


You honestly wished you would've stayed home. Baji sent you the location to meet him and you discovered that he was also waiting alongside Takemichi and Draken. That also means you'll be seeing Emma. 

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now