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"You sneaky little piece of shit."

Takemichi looked frustrated as he struggled to stand just to fall back down again. He just refused to back down. "Don't strain yourself Takemitchy." you said to him. "Takemitchy, just sit back and watch." your brother said. "This is Pah's fight."

As if Mikey's words were a trigger, Pah charged towards Osanai ready to punch only to get punched in the face. Osanai taunted and used Pah as his own personal punching bag. You wanted to help, but as Mikey said...This is Pah's fight.

You, Takemichi, and Peh all gasped as Osanai landed a powerful hit right in the middle of Pah's face, causing blood to sputter from his nose. "Oh shit! That hit him dead center!" Peh exclaimed.

"You won't even be able to squash an ant...with a punch like that." Pah said, hunching over with blood still spilling from his nose. Peh became scared for his friend and tried to rush to his side only to be stopped by Mikey. "Peh! Didn't I tell you all to just sit back and watch?"

"Sorry, Mikey." Peh replied. "Just sit back and watch?" said Takemichi. "That's just cruel Mikey! Pah-chin's nose is obviously broken, and he's barely conscious! He's done for! Pah-chin's gonna die! We should stop him!"

Mikey looked back to Takemichi with a slight grin on his face. "Why? He hasn't given up yet." You lightly smiled at his statement knowing that Mikey believes in his friends. Hell, basically his family. Our family.

Osanai and Pah were still going at it until Pah passed out while still on his feet. "Hey! This asshat's passed out standing up!" Osanai said amused. His gang all laughed at Pah as he struggled to stay up. Mikey silently made his way over to Pah's side, surprising everyone when he was there to catch Pah as he fell.

"Sorry..Mikey. I'm so...worthless." Pah muttered against Mikey's shirt. "What are you talking about Pah-chin?" Mikey replied. "You haven't lost."

Osanai's guys started laughing as Osanai himself lit another cigarette and Mikey laid Pah down gently.

"The hell are you talkin' about?!"

"How the hell hasn't he lost?!"

"You've gotta be shittin' me!"

"Get to grovelin', Mikey!"

"We're still kickin' yer ass anyway!"

"Y'all can strip down and start grovelin'!"

"Especially the girl! Can't wait to see her!"

You scoffed as the pigs hollered. 'I hate men.' you thought. They continually hollered as Mikey made his way towards Osanai. Osanai turned your way ready to talk shit, but got interrupted by one of Mikey's infamous kicks, shocking all of the pigs that were just squealing a few seconds ago.

Osanai landed on his face with his ass in the air. "Oh Osanai, that's not a good look. Who's the bitch now?" you taunted to the unconscious boy.

"Any of you who actually thought Pah-chin lost, get your asses out here. I'll murder all of you." Mikey stated. "Toman belongs to me. As long as I have its back, none of us are gonna lose."

He turned back to you and Draken with a cheeky smile. "Sorry Ken-chin, (n/n)-chin. I couldn't hold back." Draken audibly sighed, smilin right after as you lightly laughed. "What are we gonna do with you, Mikey?" Draken said.

You and Draken noticed Osanai get up with a broken bottle in hand while Mikey had his back turned. "Look out, Mikey!" Draken shouted rushing to help. You were quick enough on your feet to roundhouse kick Osanai right on the side of his face, knocking one of his teeth out as he crashed into the floor.

"You sneaky little piece of shit." you said while looking down at him. Draken came up behind you as he put a hand on your shoulder. "Osanai, I'll tell you why you lost. Because you left the true delinquent path. Raping women, assaulting someone's parents...You're nothin' but a piece of shit."

Draken turned towards Osanai's crew and spoke loudly. "Listen up. Do anything else messed up, and we'll come kill you assholes ourselves." You cracked your knuckles with an unamused look on your face, looking intimidating as always. 

"Mikey just pulverized your commander! Any of you got a problem with that?! If not, Moebius is gonna be under the Tokyo Manji Gang!" Draken finished. This didn't strike as news to you because it was something you three discussed. You're not completely on board with it, but it was Mikey's decision. He's still your commander. Only thing you can do is be there for him when he needs it.

After Draken's declaration, everyone heard sirens approach. "Shit the cops." Draken said. "Are they comin' to congratulate us on our victory?" Peh joked. You laughed along with Mikey as Takemichi was scared shitless because the cops were coming.

Mikey started running as did the Moebius guys. "Time to scram, Takemitchy!" Mikey said playfully. You rolled your eyes at how fast he can go from badass to childish.

"Hey, Moebius! Don't you dare try to run off by yourselves. Someone lend Osanai a hand." Draken said. They responded with a yes sir and did as they were told.

You turned to run only to see Pah pull out a knife. "Pah don't!" you yelled making Mikey turn to see what the commotion was about. Your eyes widened as everything after happened in slow motion. Pah stabbed Osanai in the back. "I'm not letting you off that easily, Osanai." he said.

Draken looked at Pah angrily as he pushed him away. "What the hell are you doing, Pah?!" he yelled. You turned to see Mikey looking with wide eyes. "Pah, you..."

"Pah-chin... Where'd you get that knife?" Peh questioned. Draken crouched down to Osanai, trying to get him to wake up. Considering the police were still coming, you guys had to leave. You put a hand on Draken's shoulder. "We have to go." you said to him.

"We're leaving Pah!" Mikey yelled. Pah stood at a standstill. "Sorry, Mikey. Peh-yan. Look after the 3rd Squad for me. I'm gonna turn myself in." 

Mikey yelled, not accepting what Pah had chosen as his fate. "Screw that!" Draken made his way to Mikey, knowing he would try to convince Pah to change his mind. But we didn't have time for that. Draken picked Mikey up and started running with him in tow. "We need to go, Mikey!"

"Pah! Come with us!" Mikey yelled. "We're all gonna get caught!" Draken tried to reason. "No we're not, just keep running." you said. "Takemitchy, bring your ass!"

You guys kept running along the sidewalk, Draken finally letting Mikey run on his own. You looked back to Takemitchy, noticing he didn't look too good. "Takemitchy!" you yelled as he fell to the concrete. Everyone halted in their tracks, looking back to see you crouched next to Takemitchy, putting him on your back. 

"Just go! I got him!" you yelled to the boys. You know if you were the one to be seen, you could lie your way out of trouble. But those guys actually look like delinquents. There's no way they could be seen by the cops.

They were hestitant, but all nodded to you. Draken called out to you as they kept running. "I'll call Emma!" You cringed at the thought of having to see your half-sister, but there were more important things to worry about right now.

You carried Takemichi to a nearby bush and threw him in, jumping in right after. You hid and waited for Emma to come.

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now