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"The fuck is your problem Mikey?"

After Emma came for Takemichi, you decided to let her handle the rest. You went home to shower because of how disgusted you felt from carrying Takemichi. "Guys sweat too much." you said to yourself while wiping your arms. You arrived at home and went straight to your room, getting everything together to shower.

After stepping out of the shower, you dried off and threw on something comfortable to wear. You headed downstairs to get something to snack on and while searching through the fridge, you heard Mikey come down as well.

He didn't acknowledge you as he went straight to the front door. "Where are you going?" you asked him, wondering why he's ignoring you. He stopped to look at you and kept walking to the door. Before he could open it, you were already by his side stopping him from doing so by grabbing his wrist.

"The fuck is your problem Mikey?" you asked, kind of glaring in the process. "I'm going to see Takemitchy. You're in my way."

"Why are you ignoring me?" you asked, still confused. "I'm not. I'm just not interested in talking to you." he replied. He yanked his wrist from your grasp and walked out of the door. You stopped him from closing it as you followed him out.

"Well if you're going then I am too." you said, stuffing crackers in your mouth. He rolled his eyes, not even bothering to argue with you as he kept walking to Takemitchy's.

You and Mikey reached Takemitchy's place after walking all of that time in silence. 'Wonder what he's so pissy about.' you thought to yourself. You were looking at the ground, kicking rocks as you walked until Mikey made a sudden stop, making you run into his back.

You peeked around his shoulder to see Draken coming out of  Takemitchy's house. "Draken! There you are." you said walking towards him only for him to stop you from coming further with his hand palming your face. You smacked his hand away. "What the hell?!"

"The hell are you doing here?" Mikey said. You looked at him to see him glaring at Draken. "What? What the hell are you doing here?" Draken replied. Takemichi came closer to the pair. "Mikey-kun!"

"I came to see how Takemitchy's doing." Mikey said. "Well so did I." Draken replied. "Wait a fucking minute! Did I miss something?" you asked. Mikey and Draken both turned to you. "Shut up."

You crossed your arms angrily. "I just wanted to know what's going on." you muttered while pouting. "Takemitchy's my friend. Who asked you to butt in? Right, Takemitchy?" Mikey said.

Takemichi was looking back and forth between the two boys, scrambling for words. "Huh? What the hell are you talking about? You're my friend, aren't you, Takemitchy?" Draken retorted.

"Out of my way, beanpole. I can't get by." Mikey said. "What? You get outta my way, shrimpy." Draken said. Takemichi tried to butt in as Mikey and Draken both looked at him.

"I don't know what happened, but fighting's bad!" he tried to reason. "Both of you, calm down!" Draken grabbed Takemichi by his collar. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Takemichi closed his eyes, too scared of Draken to say anything else. Mikey walked over to the side. "(f-f/n)! Help!" Takemichi called out. You look surprised as that was what came out of his mouth. You shrugged as you ran over to Draken and kicked him in his knee, making him drop Takemichi and glare at you.

Before he could say anything about it, you three heard some metal get picked up. You turned to see Mikey about to throw a bike. You ran out of the way back to the front of the door so you wouldn't be in the middle of what came next.

Takemichi cried over his things as Draken and Mikey threw them at each other back and forth, but then suddenly Takemichi got mad and started throwing punches at Mikey, which he dodged of course, making Takemichi fall into the trash.

"Are you okay, Takemitchy?" Mikey asked. Takemichi raised his head from the trash. "Shut up! You could give a rat's ass about my memories, huh?!" he said as he stormed over to Mikey and Draken.

"Okay, calm down, dude." Draken said. Takemichi grabbed him by his shirt. "Calm down?! Piss off! You're the ones that went all crazy!"

His front door burst open and you looked to see Takemichi's friends rush out of the door. They ran towards Takemichi, but you held your arm out signaling them not to. "Hey boys, don't interrupt the fun." you said while enjoying the scene.

Takemichi was still yelling at the two. "You don't give a shit about what happens to those around you, do you?!" Draken removed Takemichi's hands from his shirt. "Sorry man. We didn't mean to hurt you."

Takemichi, of course, kept yelling. "You don't even know I exist, do you?! You don't care... And that's why you're fighting." He fell to his knees as he got teary-eyed. "You don't.. You don't realize how much trouble you cause for people around you when you fight, do you? Just.. All the people who looked up to you two end up fighting, too! This isn't just your problem! You're gonna split Toman apart! That's just too sad! I don't want that to happen! I can't bear to watch it! You guys are just so cool, and..."

"Takemitchy.." Mikey said. "Whatever. Just go home." Takemichi interrupted. "You know, this whole time... You've had a turd in your hair." Mikey said. You bursted out laughing as Takemichi knocked the turd from his head.

"That's hella gross, Takemitchy!" Draken said. Everyone laughed as Takemichi got up.

"Run, Ken-chin, (n/n)-chin! The shit's coming after us!" Mikey said. All three of you took off running, laughing as you did so.


You guys eventually settled at a park. You sat between Draken and Mikey, who was laying back on the concrete. "Man, that was hilarious." Draken said. "Haven't laughed like that in a while." Mikey agreed. "You guys are idiots." you said.

"I was wrong, Mikey." Draken said. "Nah, I'm sorry." Mikey replied. "Sorry to you too (n/n)-chin/(f/n)." both of them said. You looked away as you leaned back on your hands. "Apologies denied."

"Why were you guys even fighting?" Takemichi asked. "I forgot." they both answered. "And I never knew." you chimed in. Mikey got up. "But Ken-chin was right. Pah ended up turning himself in."

"Let's celebrate lots when Pah's a free man." Mikey said. You jumped up, pumping your fist in the air. "Let's get wasted!" Draken pulled you back down to sit. "No." You pouted as you crossed your arms. Mikey turned to smile at you guys before walking off to play soccer.

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now