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"I can't lose another sibling."

You slowly opened your eyes to be met with a bright white light and the smell of antiseptics. Looking to your left, you spot your brother sleeping uncomfortably in a chair. You tried to open your mouth to speak, but it was so dry to the point where you couldn't get words out.

You sat up and swung your legs over the side of the bed, using your arms to support you as you stood to your feet. You felt a slight pain as you slowly and carefully walked over to the table where a bottle of water stood. After taking a big gulp of it, you walked to Mikey's side and tapped him on his shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes and looked in your direction.

Immediately, he pulled you against him into a tight hug. "Ow." You muttered. He gently held your head and you could feel him let out a big sigh. "Don't scare me again. I can't lose another sibling." He whispered. You hugged him back as tight as you could. "I'm sorry Manjiro." 

He let you stand up and stood up beside you, stretching. "How's Draken?" you asked. "Ken-chin is okay too." he answered. "Want to go see him?" You nodded in response and he bent down to let you climb on his back.

"How'd I even get here? Last thing I remember is almost dying." you said as Mikey walked with you in tow. "Emma was the one who carried you away from the scene. I think Takemitchy's wife helped her at some point. Then an ambulance came."

You were shocked at what you were hearing. Emma helped you? Well, she is your half-sister, it's not like she would let you die. Still, it's shocking.

Mikey walked up to a door and opened it, walking in the room with you. Draken was the only one in his room, sitting up in his bed. "Vixen." He said as he pulled the spoon from his mouth. He was eating pudding. "Hey there vice. Nice to see you breathing still." You replied while giving him a cheeky smile.

Mikey sat you down on the end of Draken's bed then took his leave. He said he wanted some fresh air on the roof now that he know both of us were okay.

"Are you-" You started to talked, but was interrupted by a spoon full of pudding being shoved into your mouth. "Less talking more eating." He said as he took another scoop and ate it. Your face got extremely hot as you blushed from the indirect kiss. "You idiot." you mumbled, turning your face away.

"I was worried about you." Draken started talking and it got your attention. "I woke up to Emma carrying you on her back. Her and Hina found me and Takemitchy." He sat his empty pudding cup down and moved to sit next to you. He gently brought your head into his shoulder, pulling you into a side hug. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Someone's comforting skills have gotten better. You've been watching romance movies or something?" You teased. He laughed and playfully pushed you away from him.


After one more day in the hospital, you were good to be discharged. You couldn't wait to leave that depressing place. Your friends made it a bit more bearable though. Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Smiley and Angry, Takemichi and Hina, and even Peh-yan came to visit you. He wanted to apologize, which you accepted because you could understand his frustration. 

Smiley also apologized because of course he was overthinking and thought that the baseball bat strike you received was so much of a toll on you, you couldn't defend yourself properly. He felt like he was at fault for you being there. You convinced him that wasn't the case though and after a long hug, he felt better.

Mikey was walking with you back home as he excitedly talked about going to the public bath with Draken and Takemichi before the meeting tonight. Of course you knew what the meeting was about. Appointing the new 3rd Division Captain, which you did not agree with at all. Pah-chin was the only 3rd Division Captain in your mind.

Mikey left the house soon after you guys got there. You were laying in your bed since the moment you stepped foot in the house because you missed your bed and it was way more comfortable than the hospital's. 

You were about to nap, but your growling stomach stopped you from doing so. The hospital food wasn't all of that great so you didn't really eat it, but now you were starving. You walked downstairs and to the kitchen to see if you could find anything, not really in the mood to cook.

You heard the door open and looked over to see Emma walking in the house. You both locked eyes for a split second before looking away from each other, the atmosphere suddenly turning awkward. You were bending down, looking in the refrigerator for anything to snack on, but you remembered that you told yourself that you'd thank her so you tried to force your pride and hunger aside.

Standing up you noticed Emma was standing right on the other side of the door holding a bag. "Mikey told me to pick up food for you." she said as she held the bag out. You closed the refrigerator door and grabbed the bag from her hands. "It's your favorite ramen."

She turned to walk away until you stopped her. "Emma." She faced you again to see you bowing down to a complete 90 degree angle. "Thank you. For the food and for saving my life." You stood back straight and was immediately engulfed in a hug that made you stumble back a bit. You were shocked considering this is the first time you guys had hugged since kids. You slowly hugged her back, which earned a content sigh from her.

"How could I let my sister die?"

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now