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"This is completely our responsibility."

Although you rarely left Mikey's and Draken's sides, you made time for the other people you cared about. Currently you were at the twins' house. Smiley and Angry. Some days you'd go over to watch a movie or play games, stuff like that.

All three of you sat on the couch comfortably watching a horror that only affected Angry for obvious reasons. You and Smiley shared the popcorn he made as you had your legs lazily thrown over his and your back leaning against the fearful Angry.

"Don't be so scared Angry! It's not real anyway!" Smiley tried to encourage his brother. "Smiley's right. There's nothing to be afraid of." you added on, all three of you distracted as you turned your heads back to the tv to see an unexpected jumpscare. 

You three jumped, dropping most of the popcorn on yourselves. Smiley laughed as you felt kind of upset about wasting the popcorn. You didn't have time to complain as you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.

You took it out to see that you got a text from Draken telling you to meet him and Mikey at the hospital. 'Did something happen?' you thought to yourself. You got up from the couch and put on your shoes, bidding the twins goodbye and making your way there.

You waited outside, leaning against one of the pillars. Draken walked up to you with Mikey on his back, sleeping. "Mikey we're here." Draken said as Mikey stirred awake. "What are we doing here?" Mikey asked. "We're making a little visit." Draken replied as he set Mikey down and you followed him in.

You walked up to a window, looking in to see a random girl attached to a ventilator. Instantly, you thought of who this could be. Right when you were about to say something, Mikey beat you to it. "Who's that?"

"Pah's buddy's girlfriend." Draken replied. Your chest felt kind of heavy hearing your assumption actually being correct. Even though you didn't know the girl, Pah is in Toman and Toman is your family. Plus, you're a girl too. You couldn't imagine the pain she must've felt. You visibly winced the more you thought about it. 

"She's been unconscious for five days." Draken said. "What the hell are you doing here?!" a man yelled. All three of you turned towards the voice and saw a man and woman clearly distressed. 'Must be her parents.' you thought.

"How dare you show up here?! Leave now!" he said. Draken immediately bowed as he and Mikey fully turned to the couple. You slowly followed him seeing as he was going to stay like that for a while. 

"What do you think you're doing?" the man asked. "Our daughter almost died because of trash like you!" Normally your smart mouth would speak up hearing someone talk bad about people you love, but this man and his wife have been through enough.

"Don't bow to him guys. We didn't do anything wrong. Why's this old guy trying to take it out on us anyway?" Mikey said. "Mikey!" you whisper-yelled to him. The man shouted at Mikey angrily. "You vermin! You're nothing but trash! Causing a ruckus every single night! You're causing so much trouble for others and hurt them, then think you can get away with it as adults because you were just kids then?! Like hell, you punks!"

Mikey started to get fed up with him. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Draken forcefully grabbed Mikey's head and pushed it down so that he was also in a bowing position. Mikey struggled against him, trying to get back up.

"This is completely our responsibility." Draken said. "Like three pieces of shit bowing is going to make my daughter better!" the man retorted. Mikey started to get fed up again. "Shut your mouth Mikey!" Draken said.

The man started to feel more sadness than anger as his tone changed. "My daughter's been in a coma ever since. Her face and her body have been battered and bruised. Why..what did she ever do to you?! My sweet, beautiful daughter..has been disfigured. Please leave. We never want to see you again."

 Still bowing as the couple walked away, you and Mikey listened to Draken's words. "We're going to fight Moebius soon. We'll deal with our problems in our own world. All of our crew have families and people important to them. We can't let innocent people get dragged into this. We can't make their friends and family cry. You don't have to bow your head. Just have a heart that cares for others."

You saw wet drops hit the floor below you and reached a hand up to your face to feel that you're silently and unintentionally crying. Mikey apologized to Draken as he noticed your silent tears fall. He turned to you and hugged you tightly. You don't know if it was the girl's situation or Draken's words, but your tears just kept coming.

Mikey backed away from you a bit to turn towards Draken. "Now this is how you comfort people." Mikey teased. Draken scoffed at him and gently pulled you from Mikey's grasp and into his own arms, hugging you like Mikey did. Your tears finally stopped falling as you felt the comfort from your two idiots.

"Man I'm kinda hungry." Mikey said randomly. Draken let you go as he replied. "You just ate."

"I always get hungry after a nap." Mikey said. "You're just a fat ass." you commented. "So are you!" he retorted. You grabbed a fistful of the front of his shirt. "Take it back."

You respected Mikey as your leader during gang-related activities, but he will always be your goofy, loving older brother.

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now