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"Takemitchy, you're our friend, but you're not gonna come in here and tell us or Mikey what to do."

Toman's fight with Moebius was nearing. You were meeting with Mikey, Draken, Pah, and Peh in an abandoned warehouse. Suddenly, Takemichi rushed in. "Mikey!"

"What's up Takemitchy?" Mikey answered. "What the hell are you doing here?" Draken asked. "You again?" Pah said clearly annoyed. "Get outta here you piece of shit." Peh commented.

"Sorry but we're discussing something really important right now." Draken said. You nodded at Draken's words. Takemichi walked towards you guys anyway, determined to say what he needed to say. "Could you call off this fight with Moebius?" he asked.

Your eyes went wide at his sudden request. "I can't tell you how I know, but someone's secretly pulling the strings behind this conflict." he finished. Pah grabbed Takemichi by the head and threw him on the ground.

"Takemitchy you're our friend, but you're not gonna come in here and tell us or Mikey what to do." you said. "Who the hell do you think you are? Right, Pah-chin?" Peh said. "Get lost. Say another word and I'll murder you." Pah threatened.

Pah tried to continue with the meeting as Takemichi interrupted again. "You can't!" he said. "You can't fight with Moebius. It's a trap for Toman!"

Pah walked over to Takemichi, ordering him to stand up just to beat his ass while he shouted at him. "The hell?! We can't fight them? You can't tell us why?! Then who the hell beat the shit outta my friend and his girl?!"

Takemichi wouldn't back down as he shouted back. "I don't know! But-"

"Takemichi. You've made your case." Mikey said. "We're gonna fight Moebius." You noticed Mikey didn't use the dumb nickname he gave Takemichi so you figured he was serious..and mad. "You don't understand anything. Once I've made up my mind that Toman and Moebius are gonna fight, it's gonna happen." Mikey said.

Takemichi got down on his knees. "I can't back down! If you guys fight Moebius, Toman's finished! I just became friends with you three! I just can't accept...Toman ending like this!" You couldn't help but wonder..how did Takemichi just know for a fact that Toman was going to fall.

Pah went to hit Takemichi again only to be stopped by Draken. "What's the big idea Draken?" 

"Takemitchy said he's not backing down. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into Moebius a bit more, Mikey." Draken said turning back to Mikey. Honestly you kind of agreed with Draken. It would make sense to look into things more before making a rash decision, something Mikey was terrible about. Mikey, on the other hand, took Draken's comment a totally different way.

"Huh? Ken-chin, you going against Toman?" Mikey asked. "What? That's not what I said." Draken replied. "That's what it sounded like to me." Mikey retorted.

"You know that's not what Draken meant, Mikey." you stepped in. Your brother looked at you, not a smile itching its way on his face. "I said that's what it sounded like to me." he said with more anger. 

"I know you're in a pissy mood you little shit, but don't you dare take it out on the main people who care about your short ass." you said standing next to him, glaring down at his sitting form. He looked away from you as a tense silence filled the area. 

The silence was interrupted by a stranger's voice. "Sorry to interrupt your little catfight." You all turned to see a guy in a red uniform. "Moebius this, Moebius that...Would you mind keeping our name outta your mouths? You middle school pissants."

Pah noticed who the guy was. "You're...Osanai!" This 'Osanai' had a lit cigarette in his mouth as he walked closer to you guys, combing his hair. "Pipe down, dick cheese." What weird insults.

"You bastard." Pah muttered. "You there. I'm two years older. That's Mister bastard to you." Osanai said. Pah charged at Osanai who easily dodged and punched him square in the face, knocking him on his back.

"Yeah, thanks for proving you're just middle school babies. Tokyo Manji Gang? Change your damn name. Maybe 'Middle School baby Alliance'." Osanai said.  You stepped closer only to be stopped by Draken putting an arm out in front of you, signaling you not to go.

Osanai grinned as he kept talking. "I heard you were gonna try to pick a fight with us." He snapped his fingers as you heard a bunch of other guys come in behind him. You scanned the crowd noticing some had weapons. "So I thought we'd bring the fight to you." Osanai said. "Mikey-chan! This is war baby." 

The guys behind him started getting pumped up probably excited thinking they're going to 'squash some ants' or whatever weird shit these guys say.

Mikey stood up and walked up to Osanai's face, you, Draken, and Takemichi right behind him as Peh stayed back next to Pah who was still on the floor. The guys from Moebius formed a closed circle around you guys.

"You had to bring all these guys to fight some middle school kids. I see you're exactly the piece of shit I imagined you to be, Osanai." Mikey said. Osanai put a hand to his ear. "What's that? Couldn't hear ya, you flea." he said clearly taunting Mikey as his gang all laughed.

Osanai looked at Takemichi. "Who the hell do you think you're gawking at?" he asked. You stepped up a few steps closer. "A gigantic fire hydrant. Be careful, wouldn't want a mutt to piss on ya." you said, smirking at Osanai.

He was clearly pissed as he raised his fist to hit you. Takemichi jumped in front of you although you were ready to dodge. Blood gushed from his nose as he got knocked to the floor. You looked back to Osanai to see him raise his fist again, aiming for you a second time.

You easily dodged as you punched him instead. "You bitch." he seethed. "So I've been told." you replied, smirking once again, which only riled him up more. Before he could try anything more, Pah appeared behind him and grabbed his arm. "You get to deal with me jackass."

"Don't Pah-chin." Takemichi said getting up and walking closer to Pah. "Don't fight Moebius." Pah pushed him down. "Stay out of this."

You walked over to Takemichi to crouch beside him and put your hand on his shoulder. "Stay out of the way if you can't fight idiot. But thanks." you playfully said to him. He nervously cracked a smile as Peh walked over to you.

"Don't underestimate Pah-chin, Hanagaki. Pah-chin's one of the best brawlers Toman's got. He doesn't care who he's up against. He'll go at them, fists ablaze, and take down a whole crew on his own. He'd never lose to Osanai."

Takemichi looked at Draken. "That's not the issue here." You quirked a brow at his statement and his saddened expression, but chose not to question it. Not like he would tell you anyway.

Gang Princess, 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 ♀𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now