CH.3: Interesting jeans

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Dear All,

This edited and improved chapter will finally start to give you more new parts and you will see how I am trying to have Derek and Hayden, especially the latter, interacting more with the main protagonists, for I could see our dear Hayden has his own fans...guys, you made him so happy about this you have no idea!

Also, thank you for the feedbacks 😊 I swear, while I was editing "Fire and Ice" sometimes I wanted to crawl in some very hidden and dark corner, seeing the horrible grammar mistakes, the typos who stood out like a sore thumb, the contents even that needed to be adjusted, the use of some Jasper would say, oh boy! So now, I am trying to give you the best possible version, pouring extra efforts.

I really hope you will enjoy it.

As I already said, give me some time and slowly I will update the banners and such 😊

In this chapter, we will have more interaction between Travis and Aleksandr, and I think I am slowly beginning to show you more of our hockey ice-made beast.

"Take me to your heart, feel me in your bones, just one more night, and I'm coming off this long and winding road," in 'Home Sweet Home' by Motley Crue.


A few days passed by since that little incident at the lockers and, thanks to my lucky star that finally decided to do its required job, the days passed by quietly and peacefully without major complications or even small annoyances. I definitely couldn't ask for more and I hoped with all my heart the situation would stay as such. It seemed that the plan to become invisible indeed began to work as it was meant to. Well, if not invisible, at least I was like a shadow.

Or so I thought.

I met Aleksandr only a couple of times, one in front of his locker, a second time in the corridors, when I was rushing late for a class, and it took all of my self-control and mental restrain to avoid turning around to shamelessly stare at his perfect and way too hot ass, and a third time during the class we shared. It was my favorite class no matter what and from where I sat, I could enjoy the view of him as much as I wished, my thoughts running and dancing around their favorite horny path.

Hell, he was as handsome as ever and the fact he kept only to himself or just counted few friends as I noticed in class, gave him a touch I couldn't resist. He wasn't a jerk, even though he was not a friendly or open person, in fact quite unsocial, but not an asshole. He didn't spare me a look or a word, while on my part, I spared him more than a look. I basically ate him with my super short and starving glares, and my thoughts began to follow their favorite path, losing themselves in the craziness of my brain. Yeah. It was easy to be guessed. I simply couldn't help it and truth be told I didn't want to help it.

Aleksandr was all I wanted, desired and lusted in a guy physically speaking; he had all I always dreamed to find in a guy, matching all my highest expectations and standards. No, what the heck was I talking about? He didn't merely match them. He surpassed and crushed them in insignificant dust.

To boot it, the class we shared served to show me he also had quite a functioning and smart, and therefore very sexy brain; it was known he had good grades, no matter the fact some professors did not like him completely or felt uneasy around him. I didn't understand why, for he was a real hockey-star, rumors saying he led the team to countless victories as no other captain did before, he never was rude to professors or school staff – maybe quite glacial and distant, and he wasn't a stupid douchebag. He was relaxed around his friends and one day during my favorite class, I had the fantastic luck to see him briefly smile at something Derek and another guy named Hayden said.

Fire and Ice (First Book of the "Fire and Ice" Series)Where stories live. Discover now