CH. 22 You and Me ... Oh, baby

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Hello everyone, here is chapter 22 and well, I hope you'll like it!

Let me know what you think of it, I love to read comments, they help in many ways :-)) Thanx!!

The chapter is dedicated to azer90, thanks for liking my stories!

On the right an amazing banner of Alexi and Travis made by azer90: THANK YOU HON!!!!

Music right for the chapter.

Enjoy xox




River and I spotted Jasper and Dima cueing to get something to eat; it was nice to see that the little kid overcame the fear and tension for my best friend, Dima was clearly happy about it. He’s such a friendly and outgoing person that it’s impossible to not like him, he is always true to his words and never fails anyone. Well, he drives insane basically all our teachers, because Dima doesn’t care much about studying, he loves playing hockey, weight lift with me, snowboarding. I chuckled, he wasn’t a model student for sure, but without doubt the best friend you could ever ask for.

I knew it bugged him having someone like Jasper not liking him; shit, more likely, hating him. Especially, considering Travis and Dima liked each other.

The idea of that bastard of Anatoly beating Jasper had me really mad and the fact that affected indirectly my boyfriend, well, that got me even more angry. He was a sick asshole without a ounce of honor and respect, he had no idea what it meant to play fair and behave like a decent person. He was all the opposite. He was dangerously disgusting and sick. Every time I had the damn bad luck to meet him or see him, my blood began to boil and many times me and my friend got into a fight with him and his useless pieces of shit.

Even their parents couldn’t stand his own son any more. They couldn’t believe their own  blood and flesh turned out into a complete delinquent, because that’s what he was. He joined a gang, I mean, a damn gang. How can someone be more stupid and sick? All a bunch of losers, anyway, which I enjoyed to beat and punched few times.

I think Dima’ parents were planning to kick him out as soon as he had a damn diploma, so he was at the legal age to get out and get a job and do whatever he wanted with his life. Natasha, their mother, was suffering about that, it was impossible for her to believe one of her sons was like that. I felt sorry for her, because she was such a sweet and caring person.

However, I was pretty sure Dima would kick the shit out of his own twin today, if he were to catch him at home. I knew very well my friend.

What had made me happier, was Travis, the fact he decided to talk to me about the problem, the fact he said I made him feel better after hearing my voice, the fact he had doubts on Dima being a complete asshole. It meant he trusted me, shit, he told me so himself, just minutes ago.

I was completely gone for him.

I almost feared this feeling, it was overwhelming, burning, taking control all over me, it was irrevocable. So strong and powerful, what I felt for my Travis was so strong and true that sometimes it was almost intoxicating, taking away my air and breaths. I have never felt like that.

It scared me at first seeing how possessive I became of him, but not like a control freak. I had to know he was ok, nobody was bothering him, nobody dared to even try anything with him, his closeness drove me crazy and hard every single time, I couldn’t resist him and never had enough of him and his touch, his lips, his kisses and his eyes.

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