CH. 29 Silent water, idle wind

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Hello there, as promised, tonight I'm uploading chapter 29, so hope you'll be happy about it!

Well...let me know what you think, vote, comments and etc.. THANK YOU!

Thank you all for you messages and comments, love them all and love you all, you give me really great energy :-)

I dedicate the ch. to all Travis and Alexi fans and in particular to Mote96, hoping you'll enjoy it!

On the right, pic of Travis' new do you like it?

Enjoy xox


Did you remember when Alexi told me that the biggest party of his family was on New Year’s Eve and that Dima’ family join his? Well, Julie and Mr. Lebedev liked so much my mum that they invited us as well and we ended up all together. Hell, that was crazy, I swear. It turned out they invited also River’s family, and I met his parents, who were amazing people and I immediately understood from where River got his eyes: his mother had the same eyes. His little brother wasn’t there, though, they apparently had another big argument and I think he was a bit scared of meeting Alexi. Hell, I knew the reason and damn good thing he didn’t show up.

After the main celebration with our relatives, Alexi, River, Dima and I met with our other friends and went out somewhere dancing and getting crazy. Jasper came with us after a big fight with his parents, but said he didn’t give a shit about it. Ok, he didn’t literally said he didn’t give a shit, but same concept. A pity his brother wasn’t there, he had to fly back to Los Angeles right after Christmas and for some reasons I fucking knew he and River met.

Don’t get the wrong idea here, River didn’t give anything out, it was just my sensation and I damn sure I was right.

A couple of days before that day, mum and I went to order my car.

Hell, I was so hyper and excited at the idea, that I bugged my mum the entire drive to the car saloon. When she got out of the car, she shook her head and told me to shut up for at least a minute. I laughed, because I knew she was joking. My new Audi TT RS, slick and shining black, was already there waiting for me. Well, hell, I meant, they already had a couple there and so in January we went back and, after signing all the document you need for a new car, insurance and the shit like that, we drove it back home.


What a fantastic and sexy car it was.

It felt amazing to drive it. The car went just super smooth and silent, you just had to caress the gas pedal and this sexy lady would bolt and roar in a blink. I had quite a hard time to keep under the speed limit and I think a couple of time I blew it. Whatever, just got damn lucky didn’t catch any ticket. That would be a real pain in the ass.

The fun part was that mum and me got there with a taxi and want to know why? She was dying to try to drive it as well. She was amazing, honestly, the best mother you could ask for. So I immediately had my first drive and blasted Backyard Babies in the new CD player I made them install and went on; my mum had the second “turn” and you could see she was enjoying and having fun like a teenager.

That’s another reason I loved her so much: she was super mentally young and open, she was indeed one of my best friends. Ok, I wouldn’t tell everything I did with Alexi, that would sort of embarrass me and sure as hell she didn’t want to hear it, still.

“Mum, this car is amazing.” I fired out excited while driving on one of the main bridge of New York.

“I know honey, I like it, too.” She had a full and happy smile. She really couldn’t wait to get me my first car.

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