CH. 30 I said, if you can

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Hello everyone!! Here is chapter 30 so I hope you will all feel better :-)

Thank you all so much for your comments, for feeling so much for Travis and Jasper and Alexi, for caring for them and for your lovely messages. I am really happy you like my story!

So let me know what you think of this chapter, please vote, comments and whatever you feel like!

Dedicated to all my fans and readers, especially to who was worried last chapter and then in particular to Orange_Lee

On the right a pic of Alexi --> Kerry Degman

Enjoy xox


“Are you actually really retarded, asshole? I mean, what the hell do you plan to do? To try to beat the shit out of us here, in a parking lot?” Great Travis, just add fucking fuel to the already damn bonfire, just provoke even more. Great.

Oh fuck, I was so furious right now and so much freaked out, that I wouldn’t be able to control my words and actions in any way. Jasper. Focus Travis, Jasper is here with you and he had enough shit, I wouldn’t let anyone touch him, I swear it. They had to walk over my dead body.

“You fag are such an arrogant piece of shit.” That bitchy girl with long caramel hair mocked and twisted her hair around a finger that I would very much like to break.

“And you call yourself a girl?” I retorted back sarcastically, standing high and straight, challenging each of them. I was very much freaking out right now, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, but no fucking away I’d show it to them.

“No worries, Travis. We’ll just take you somewhere around here, a nice abandoned gym deposit where no one will hear you or even think of looking for you.” His face was twisted in such a vicious way that made my guts curl in a painful way, feeling the bitter taste in my mouth.

Hell, why the fucking hell another time? Why? I had already enough of all this shit, why couldn’t people let me alone? Why problems had always to stick to me? I could remember now so vividly every hit, slap, kick, word, spit, grimace…everything of that day. And him…him standing there and doing nothing but enjoying it.

“And what makes you think I’ll just gladly fucking follow you, moron?” Go Travis, enrage and provoke him even more.

“We’ll just make you, cause I don’t see how you gonna escape.” That asshole with a peanut for brain and a cashew for dick widened his sickening contortion and when I saw other two guys, one I already saw that day with a bored expression, when Alexi punched him, hell…I fucking knew I was fucked up and pretty badly.

Think Travis and hell, think fucking fast.

Hell, think!!!

Ok, no one was in fucking school right now to see those shitheads dragging us behind school and beat the shit out of us. So fucking think fast of a way to get Jasper out of this.


Ok, got it. I just damn hoped that would work out, some-fucking-how.

“Let’s get down to business, asshole. I don’t have the entire day.” I challenged.

Jasper gasped and gulped, and gripped my hand stronger. Sorry cutie, I’ll get you out of here in no time, just trust me for a minute and then please, get the hell out of here. I squeezed his hand harder, as to say to trust me, to understand me, to be ready, that nothing will happen to him.

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