CH.8: Run for it!

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Dear All,

Here comes a very intense and full chapter, which will definitely move the story to another level, and I am sure you'll understand what I mean by reading it.

Please don't be too severe on Aleksandr, for he has his own issues and past problems, which will discover more with time. Also, as he never ever had thoughts or experience with same sex relationship, you cannot expect him to immediately acknowledge his emotions, name them and act upon them at once. In reality, I believe it would confuse all of us at first. Especially someone like him.

Also, yes, our Travis swears quite a lot and I polished the new version of that, but it couldn't be changed much. He is the kind of person that once nervous or overwhelmed by emotions will swear worse than a sailor or whatever you want to think about. I also swear a lot when angry or nervous, I find it very healthy and beneficial 😊 a few f-words and there, most of my stress is out.

However, I really hope you will enjoy this enhanced edited chapter and please, as always, do let me know, because I would really love to hear what you think about it. THANK YOU!

Happy and magic reading to you!

"If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it's your duty to be reduced to ashes by it. Any other form of existence will be yet another dull book in the library of life," by Charles Bukowski


The more time I spent with Jasper the more I realized how sweet and considerate he was, what a fantastic friend I found, how lucky I had been. The situation with his parents was completely fucked up because he had quite the issues in that house, and I seriously couldn't get it. How the hell was that even possible? Jasper was absolutely nice, extremely polite and innocent in a terribly adorable way, which wasn't that complicate to guess about him. Any time I talked about sex or made sexual jokes or innuendos, something very usual and common for me, he would blush like some ripe tomato and stutter some very timid reply.

Hell, I loved him, I swear I really and honestly did, and the same applied to my mom, who pestered me the entire evening talking about him, how sweet and cute he was, how polite and kitty-like he looked, how she was happy I made a friend like him, asking questions about him. Well, I was happy, too, and I made sure to tell him, because I always believed in letting people know how I felt about them. Hearing that a person liked you or loved you or was however happy to be around you could only make you feel good, right? It was pleasant and gifted you with a warm sense of affection. At least, that was my opinion on the matter, and I wasn't going to change it. My opinions ruled in my crazy Travis-wonderland.

I had a fantastic afternoon with Jasper, almost not thinking about Aleksandr even once. Well, that was a partial lie and it's good I said almost.

A sigh left my mouth as my thought wandered toward him once more. There was a big problem going on with me: I wanted and desired him so much that it was driving me freaking nuts. What freaked me out even more, was the awareness of knowing I could not have him, but it wasn't just a mere physical thing. I also wished to get closer to him, to discover more about him, but directly from his mouth, because he was the one talking to me and not by hearing it from other people. However, that seemed ruled out, and it awfully sucked, big time. It hurt, even.

Ah...I guess I had to learn on giving up on things, once in a while. I could just admire him from afar and mentally drool over his perfect ass and powerful body, fantasizing about how he would destroy me in bed, being sure he would be the one who had the right dose of roughness and wildness I needed and wanted, having no doubt he would probably give my ass a good slap, something I never really tried because my former boyfriends or lovers didn't inspire me in that way or didn't want to do. It's not like I was into any real kinky form of play, wanting overly hard things, but c'mon, a well landed slap on the ass while the partner was taking you hard and strongly only intensified the pleasure, and hell, sure as fuck, Aleksandr would be perfect in that. But I had to cool down my horny self, facing reality and the fact we probably were never going to normally talk again.

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