CH. 31 Sleepless dream (Part 1)

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Hi dear all, sorry for the wait, but here comes chapter 31 in 2 parts...!!!

The order of the parts is purposely wanted like this from me; I wanted first you all knowing what Collins and his band of bastards got.. then the rest.

I hope you'll like it, let me know as usual, love all of your comments, I thank you all so much for voting, reading, fanning, commenting: it means a great deal to me and make me happy!!

Dedicated to JUURIKURAN, cause I know was waiting for this chapter and have to thank you darling for your msg and comments!!

Purva bunny, hope you'll be happy with the ch :-))

On the right, an amazing banner from Azer90

Enjoy xox


TRAVIS POV: 5 days later …

Five days had passed since that hellish day…five days in which I kept literally glued to Alexi. Fuck, I was afraid he would hate me for that or think I was being damn clingy, but the thing was, he didn’t leave me for a second, just as he promised. No kidding, he stayed the whole time beside me and cuddled me and took care of me in every possible way.

He got suspended three days for losing his temper in the principal office and punching a guy and a professor, but considering what had happened and his state of mind, they just gave him those 3 damn days, without writing it on his scholar CV.

Alexi was even more protective now and at first he wouldn’t let anyone getting too close to me, exception made for mum and then finally Jasper. Then he slowly relaxed with our friends and families. Jas came to visit every day and his presence relaxed me very much, he was just too sweet and adorable and I loved him, and spending time with him was like a sweet medicine. The other guys came as well and I gotta say it, I loved them all fucking much.

I wanted to go to school already, but Julie and everyone else was damn adamant with me resting and getting all well. The day the fucked up mess happened I kept somehow straight and calm, but then all the fear, exhaustion, panic and physical pain broke down and I felt like shit.

I didn’t faint or lose conscience, I slept simply for almost 20 hours, almost freaking scaring Alexi. I think that night I had few nightmares, but I don’t remember well. Hell, good thing Alexi stayed over my place during these days, because having him close just washed away everything, every single bad memory, every damn strand of fear or stress or tension, every-fucking-thing.

Alexi was my savior in every possible meaning.

Now it was weekend and we spent it watching movies with our friends at my place, and Alexi had relaxed already. Have to say, though, I saw there was something bugging him, I saw it in his eyes, but I couldn’t understand what the hell it was and when I asked him he just said there was nothing. Maybe I was just being too paranoid, after what happened.

Mum loved all of them and got immediately on well with Derek and River. I mean, who wouldn’t? Derek was the most cheerful person I have ever met and River was charming.

If I were to say the whole thing didn’t affect me at all, I’d be lying big hell time. It did. Not in a very deep and lasting way, but it still got me shaken for few days and I think I could sleep well just because my Alexi was there with me. He gave me such a reassuring and protecting feeling that I soon shoved away everything from my mind and got back to my usual self. I don’t know how the hell was that possible, but having him with me, by my side, erased everything.

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