CH. 21 Your dark side

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Wow, two chapters today!!

Thank you all so much for the votes and comments for the last chapter! Let me know what you think about it, thank you!!

On the right a picture of Dmitri Denisov --> Alexander Ludwig.

Dedicated to lady_hihikomori :-))

Enjoy xox


I was shocked. Hell. I was more than shocked, I think for a moment I forgot about breathing and that my mouth hung open in a damn stupid way.

Ok, wait. Maybe I didn’t listen to his words well, maybe he said something else.

Fuck. What the fuck are you talking about, Travis? Jasper just said that Dmitri, one of the best friends of my boyfriend, of Alexi, is a bipolar asshole that had beat him bad few times. Hell. I needed to process the shock.

Snap out of it.

Jasper is here with you.

Take care of him.

Jas was trembling and his hands were shaking, not sure if because of the anger, the fear, the stress or anything else. I gulped, swallowed down anything came to my mind and hugged my best friend in a dear-for-life hug, stroking his hair.

“Shh, Jasper, I am here. You can relax now, ok?” I was humming in his hair, breathing in his sweet and chocolate-vanilla scent. Hell, that calmed me down, because I realized I was shaking as well.

“Travis, uhm, you ok? You are shaking.”

What a jerk I was, here shaking for stupid memories that decided the fucking right moments to come back in my mind and taunt me with their slimy hissings. I shrugged it off violently. Get a grip, Travis.

“I am ok, Jas. What about you?” He hugged me stronger.

“Fine, Travis. Oh boy, I can’t believe I just say it. I never said anything about that to anyone; I was too scared and shocked. Oh boy. Travis, are you mad at me?”

“What?” I snapped, pushing him away to gaze into his eyes.

“I mean, he’s best friend with your boyfriend and I just told you, uhm, well that he beat me and so, oh boy, don’t know what to say.” He was clearly hyperventilating.

“Jas, for what the hell should I be mad at you? If anything, I should be fucking mad with that asshole and just thinking about it makes me so angry.” I was fuming in dangerous rage. Fuck, just thinking of someone laying a hand on Jasper triggered the dangerous-super-angry-Travis mood. Damn. Wait. How that even happened?

“How did happen that? Hell, I mean, when? Where?” Now I was hyperventilating.

“Uhm, well, I think it happened two years ago, maybe something more. Boy, when I saw him in school I have always ran away, avoided him an-and kept distant. I didn’t know his name. B-but he behaves as-as if he doesn’t know m-me.” I still didn’t understand anything of it. Jasper was stuttering, clearly in distress.

“Cutie, relax, breath and please, if you can, explain this to me, because I need to be honest: I am fucking shocked.”

He nodded and tried to calm down, recollecting his thoughts and energy. Poor cutie, I had to control my temper, because I was fucking burning with anger and rage. If I were to touch something, I would have turned it into ashes.

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