CH.9: His decision, his resolution

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Dear All,

I won't say much about this chapter, aside that yes, the edited version is definitely improved, offering new insights in both characters, and having made the chapter longer 😊

Yes, I am known for long chapters in general and it has already begun while editing "Fire and Ice", thinking to myself: why didn't write this before? Why didn't I explain this or that? Boy...this should have been there! And so on...just imagine me rumbling alone in my apartment while I edit my stories. Quite funny, believe me.

As I anticipated, it's another intense chapter in a way and someone will take another step forward. We should be proud of him. Also, we will meet Aleksandr's father...ready for that?

Music and banners will be re-uploaded during the weekend or tonight, as my social life now will be focused on starting pre-Christmas Star Wars, LOTR and The Hobbit marathon, plus writing of course 😊 But no worries dear all, I also have a few extremely wonderful friends ^^

How do you like the story so far? Just a quick note: please be informed and aware that my stories, the universe I create for them and my characters are absolutely and entirely unique and original, coming from my imagination only and NOT taking any inspiration from other stories. Please keep this in mind, dear all, thank you.

As per the chosen quote, I am not a big fan of Coelho, not really, but I read that book as it was suggested by a friend and that struck me. Thinking about this chapter and Aleksandr, I thought of using it.

Happy and magic reading to you!

"When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision," by Paul Coelho in 'The Alchemist'


I peeked at him while he drove, now looking less ferocious and less icy, no longer grabbing the stirring wheel in that threatening grip, as if about to snap it in pieces, but apparently more relaxed. He didn't say much more than those few words, but it didn't matter at all, for what he already said had me shut up for the shocking surprised caused in me. Hell, I still couldn't believe I was sitting a few inches apart from Aleksandr, in his pickup while he was driving me home. Well, Alex, as he suggested before, but damn sure I was going to find another name for him.

I liked Sasha, it felt very nice for his name, but I don't know...I knew I wanted to find something different, more uniquely applied and used by me only.

While he drove, he used his phone carefully, always concentrated on the road in front of us and never really distracting himself, quickly touching the screen, watching the street at the same time with intense gaze. I sighed out as I realized my stare kept glued on him, and that caused him to turn his eyes in my direction; the look he casted at me had me feel like pudding and jelly all at once and I refrained from shifting on my seat or show how that very much affected me, but he must have caught something, I saw it as our eyes caught each other once more.

Oh hell, I was so horribly afraid of blabbing out something stupid and embarrassing, because I knew it was just about time, so to prevent it I bit my lower lip, chanting in my mind to cool it down and relax. Trying not to think about him naked and...Travis!

I did my best to relax on the seat and drank his presence another time, for then immediately looking away, not wanting to make it way too obvious and therefore creepy. He must have perceived my glancing but didn't say anything about it, not bothered in the least.

Fire and Ice (First Book of the "Fire and Ice" Series)Where stories live. Discover now