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Do not read this if you have not read the story.

Hello guys, so these are the ideas i got from the game Ib.

-A family of 3 going to a newly opened Museum. (But the parents are from Daddy's Little Doll story.)
-A gift given to Eve. (In the game it was a handkerchief. But in this story its a scarf.)
-An elderly couple and a young man seen at the gallery.
-People going missing afterwards. (but paintings of the scary lookiny ladies, Eve running around and having a dream are my ideas.)
-Entering the 'sea' by falling into something(in the game, it was Ib falling into the water painting. But in this game is Eve walking into a gallery with deep ocean paintings. So the part where the place smells like the sea, water reaching her ankles are my ideas.)
*The whole doll gallery is my idea. In order to match Daddy's little doll*
-Meeting with Garry in the Gallery. (In the game, it was due to Garry's rose dying,thats why he fainted. About the rose issue, watch the game video and you will understand. Ib saved him by rehydrating the rose in a vase.  In this story it was just him collapsing due to exhaustion.)
-Sweet given to Eve. (In the game, he gave Eve a sweet as she was frightened by all she's seen. That sweet was to prevent him from smoking.)
***The elderly couple made into dolls, parents made into dolls, Eve's second mother appearing and bringing her to Father, Garry attacking the duo to escape with Eve, Eve recaptured and legless, Garry waking up and finding Eve as a ballerina doll( lost memories of her) are all my ideas. The last chapter where the demon appeared to help Garry save Eve, time rewind, captured Father, sent him to hell, rewriting memories of Eve of her family are my ideas too.***

In a nutshell, this story's venue and Garry the character(above stated points) are  credited to the Game Ib. I intend no copyright infringement and hereby own no parts of the Game ideas as mine. Please support the Game Ib !

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