Chapter 12 : Killer Mood

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An emotion used against you to disgrace you,
Learn to weld that emotion   Into something greater.

In the middle of the cafeteria, my heels turn on themselves avoiding his friends, giving me enough time to see them wave at us.
'Why would a library rat like me be sitting at the table of the hot chicks and the romeos?'

I walk to the exit.
An arm blocks my way.

Memories of a younger me cross my mind back to where I was thirteen. People bullied me, faking asthma attacks in the hallway. My attacks were dangerous and happened often, making me their favourite laughingstock. The laughs filling my head again as if I was there, I press my hands to my shirt, twisting it restlessly between my fingers. Comfort wouldn't come.

"Come on! It'll be fun."
His head tilting to mine, silence comes back in my mind as I fail to move away from him.

'Fun for who?,' lifting my chin, I look into his eyes.

People walk around us, filling the cafeteria. Our voices covered by the steady sound of the crowd chatting and eating.

"Como-on Annie, don't make a scene." He moves in front of me.

Random people smile at the sight, he is so close. The girls behind me must be freaking out. I close my eyes.

Anna undoubtedly has a crush on Tom and Lili, as a good friend is taking sides with her. They have an obvious enemy, me. Why can't he understand how cunning girls can be?
Images flash in my mind.

Peter, a high school biology classmate, bumping into me. Him holding me steady and giving me a handsome smile as an apology before parting ways. A random girl pushing my shoulders, making me smirk in pain, spreading my books on the floor. A second random girl pushing me aside and walking over my books, followed by two other friends sneaking my way.

My belly twists inside. I walk away from Tom. I can't get caught in the middle. Worse, becoming the third wheel.

"Not so fast. You haven't eaten yet and your dinner is right there", holding my shoulders, he makes me do a U-turn, pointing to the table I wish to flee from.

Why did you have to be mister popular? My head turns to him and blinks twice. Why is he smiling at me? Why did he have to be so handsome when smiling? I press a hand to my forehead. My mind is such a mess, I comply. I can't be alone forever. Ultimately, I would need to face the situation and socialize.

Guided by his arm on my shoulder, we walk forward. All I can see is the obsession of their eyes over his hand on my shoulder. I push his arm away.

"Give me some money and I'll get myself something and not bother you guys," Lifting my hand along with my pleading eyes .

"It would be impolite of you to refuse the plate they chose for you." He grabs my hand instead, pulling me to the table.

My mouth turns into an o shape, realizing that there is no way out of this.

"They are not beasts, you know. You will like them if you give them a chance." He smirks.

Moments later, I am physically trapped, caged by his friends, both to my left and right. They talk about us, but all my attention is over the girls.

The girls quickly make signs to grab my attention. Still wavering over my options, l stay behind forgotten, only to be caught by a redhead girl that I never met before.

"I know they are overwhelming. Let's get away from them." She takes me to our table.

The girls at the table pretended not to hear Tom,
"Don't ask her too many questions. She is shy."

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