══☆Third party═══
I have to find her...
time is running out.I did not expect to come across patrols over the passage. That passway is no longer secured, but I was not informed in time jeopardizing my mission and the resistance.
I was Spotted and followed. I killed them, but one was quick enough to teleport his way out. tried. I can only hope to make it back alive. If I died after delivering the message, my death wouldn't have been in vain.
"I found what we were looking for. This information will change the course of our existence. A new beginning." He says to himself excited.
The energy fuels my body with this thought giving strength to my spell and helping me move even faster.
A clue brought me to these coordinates, looking around, I dug into the ground and found a grey box and a piece of paper. Climbing over a tree, I hide between the branches making sure that my magic cape blends with the texture of the branch. The instructions are written in a foreign language, chanting an incantation the words become readable. The grey rectangular object is called a cellphone and the paper has instructions on how to use it.
Just a little longer and my mission will be completed.
════════════Like an automaton, I keep smiling, pretending that everything is all right when it isn't. Time seems to have slowed down its pace making it harder with each remaining minute. As it wasn't hard enough already to keep my magic under control, Leah has been acting up. She is revulsed by what we witnessed earlier today.
Frowning, I dry the wetness on my forehead and get back to filling the files. The clerk is at the admission desk working on the computer and the others are busy finishing paperwork or scrutinizing more subjects. It was an endless process quite like all the other days. I was the only one acting up after what I saw.
Relief washes through me when I notice Tom by the main entrance. He is a natural con artist, how does he do it? He is always acting so cool around the place while he harbours so many plans to bring the place down. Leaning over the counter he is now talking to the secretary, he is flirting by the way she is fluttering her lashes. She is so obvious and willing to play in his hand. I remember my assumption when I met him. A gigolo. I didn't know then that I wasn't so far from the truth. He has a natural skill to lure women to him. Some wise trait he kept in his DNA and all things considered he was grateful to his father for that. It came in handy more times than not.
"Annie" Lara calls out to me. "How long will you eavesdrop?"
Crossing my arms, she gives me a look and I hurry to look elsewhere hiding how flustered I am. I am so bad at playing coy when all I want is to get that annoying smile out of her face, but I need to play my role right and be the perfect con artist. Without her knowledge, Tom is currently penetrating her brain and subtracting information. Curiously, Tom's powers are more intricate than what he lets us think.
Sighting at the view once more, I look for my pile of work instead. I have to admit it, it bothers me, she is so obvious, it's disgusting!!! After a few excruciating minutes, it's finally time to leave. On the bright side, I wasn't thinking about what happened earlier.
" Well, are you done flirting? Let's go. I'm hungry!" Already on my way out, I pretend that I am not annoyed by them.
" Ok," he sighs before he sends a, "see you soon!" I keep my face stoic, wondering why he needed to say that so loudly. My insides twist that girl is a fool. She had even adapted her schedule to mine. If this continues, they will end up on a date.

Never Bend
WerewolfAnnie doesn't know it, but magic surrounds her life and follows her every move. Between her recurring dreams, the strange evidence she keeps in a box, and her own journal filled with memories she can't remember, she was always suspicious that someth...