Chapter 29: Danger ahead

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Hope you like it!
It was exciting writing it.

As the food arrived, an awkward silence hung over our table in the restaurant. The magic bubble that protects my empathic ability has been down since we got here, I need to know how he feels and this is the only way I know how to read him.

Feeling special since I did it, I chased after the subject. "Have you noticed? Since Lina hasn't been around, the girls are getting jealous? They get on my nerves, they are so possessive of you." His lips curl up and he looks at me with an amused expression, he shrugs his shoulders, "They come back to me and say that we spend too much time together and they don't believe that there is nothing romantic between us." He leans forward and my heart jumps. "The audacity of these girls knows no bounds. I need Lina back." The mood changes, am I angry? I just can't put my finger on it. Something to do with the potion I was fed for so long. His eyebrows raise for a second and he shakes his head. He shakes his head.

Men can be slow sometimes, and he is no different. He does not seem to understand the dilemma I am in? How can I convince him that our relationship is strictly platonic? If it weren't for his duty, we wouldn't even be together. My heart dropped and something bubbled up inside me for no reason. I lifted my eyes, he was tapping into my head again. Was this emotion mine or his and what did it mean?

Deciding to leave it at that, I took a full bite of my hamburger and chewed it.

"Honestly, you don't get it," I sigh after looking at him. "Let me paint the picture for you. Whenever I go to the bathroom, they follow me and nag me with questions. They even push the boundaries and play games just to get to me. One time, one of them grabbed my hairbrush and held it over the toilet to make me give them answers. Another time, the other one pushed me against the wall to treat me. When I tried to create space between us, she tried to get closer to me, but I avoided her." The last words made his eyes shake. My blood was already boiling with the memories and this feeling, I had known it long enough to recognize it. I just couldn't figure out who it belonged to. Was it him? No. "Can't you just go on a date without me or something? Please ease their minds, I just want them to leave me alone?" Trying to control my emotions, I took a bigger bite than I expected.

Slowly he crosses his arms.
"Why do you bother? You're skilled, why can't you handle such a trivial matter?"
I had struggled with the contents in my mouth, but I was still angry. No, that was his feeling.

What are you suggesting? Do you want me to fight them? I mean, I could if I wanted to. I am getting good at it, but I am not an animal. Staring at him, I remained silent, letting my thoughts sink into his. Suddenly, his eyes broke contact with mine and he took a mouthful of jus.

Unless, of course, you are suggesting the use of magic? After all, you use people's thoughts against them in so many ways. Is that what offends you? Does it bother you that I refuse to do so? Why should I for such a trivial matter? Besides, this is a human matter, and I will resolve it in a human way.

I raise an eyebrow and look back at him. It's always harder to speak up when he's so close. But the people in the restaurant would be curious as to why we are silent during the whole meal." "Why is it so hard to give me some slack and let me do night classes with Lina? You could use this time to go out and relieve your stress". I tried to smile, but my lips wouldn't cooperate.

He stared at me, his eyelid twitching for a second before closing it. Then he reached for his phone and read a message that made his facial muscles twitch for a moment. My blood rushed through my veins, making my head feel light.

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