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Meredith moaned as she opened her eyes. Waking up from a night of tequila was not something she was unfamiliar with. She felt the wave of nausea take her over as she sat up in bed. She quickly walked to the bathroom and hugged the porcelain God. She always hated herself in the morning. She held her liquor better than the average person, but last night she had consumed quite a bit. Finally she was able to drag herself down the stairs.

"You look like shit." Alex moaned as he held his head.

"You look so much better..." Meredith spat as she grabbed her coffee cup. She sat down and placed her elbows on the table, and her head in her hands. "What the hell did we do last night?"

"I don't know. I don't think I want to know..." Alex said slowly and quietly, trying to keep his head from pounding.

"Good morning!" Izzie chirped as she walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face. "I bet you are loving yourselves this morning!" Meredith and Alex both moaned.

"You guys were wasted!" Izzie laughed. "And you both got in some big fight."

"We did?" Meredith said as she furrowed her brow.

"We did!" Alex said as he remembered. "That guy..."

"Oh yeah. What an asshole!" Meredith said as she remembered. She heard her cellphone go off. She called the voicemail

"Hey Mer, I miss you already. I have been on the plane for an hour, and I already miss you. I'll call you later. Love you." Derek said in the first message. "Hey Mer, It's me again. I just wanted to tell you goodnight. Love you." He said in the second. "Hey, I hope you are okay. Either that or you don't miss me too badly. Love ya." He said in the third. Her face dropped as she listened to the last one.

"McDreamy?" Izzie asked as she shut her phone.

"Yeah." She said plainly. She wished she had answered it. "I'm sure he is at the conference now. I guess I'll call him later." She said quietly.

"Well, we better go." Izzie said with a smile.

"I don't have a car." Meredith mentioned as the headed to the door.

"I don't either." Alex added.

"Luckily I do." Izzie said as they followed her out.

"I don't want to ride in that thing!" Alex whined.

"What is wrong with my car?" Izzie asked.

"It's pink." He responded.

"It's pinkish red." Izzie argued.

"No, Iz. It is pink." Meredith told her.

"Whatever. You guys can walk!" She said as she climbed in her car.

"No, no It's fine. Great, even!" Meredith said, as she climbed in the passenger seat.

"Why do I get the back?" Alex asked.

"Because." Meredith giggled.

"It's not big enough for me back here." He whined.

"Maybe not big enough for your ego." Meredith laughed.

"You are a pain in the ass, Grey. I don't know what Shepherd sees in you." Alex said as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't you wish you knew." She said with a chuckle.

Meredith was assigned to the Chief. She was secretly having a temper tantrum in her mind. The though of being in an operating room with Richard Webber made her stomach turn. The only thing that could be worse would be getting stuck with her mother. She walked in the scrub room and began angrily scrubbing her hands. Richard was already in the OR. At least she had managed to avoid him in the scrub room.

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