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"I have to ask...where the hell did you get that riding crop?" Derek asked as he grabbed it off of the table.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She asked with a giggle.

"It's hot. You realize that, right. It really freaking dirty hot." He said as he gave her a light tap with it.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it..." She said with a smile. "I still can't believe that you came to the restaurant like that." Meredith said, rolling her eyes.

"I had to get back at you somehow." Derek said with a chuckle as he rolled over and gave her a soft kiss.

"Publicly? I tease you in private." Meredith said as he gave him a playful pat on his bare chest.

"To our child...much worse!" He warned, shaking his head.

"You have to admit it was funny. Derek, she was walking around singing Clash songs. She is walking around singing The Clash." She reiterated. "I'm just saying..." Meredith explained.

"I do have to say I am impressed. I figured that you would run out of the restaurant like you were on fire." Derek said with a loud chuckle.

"And give you the satisfaction? I think not!" Meredith said as she rolled over, pressing her soft naked flesh onto his. She laid there staring into his deep blue eyes. "I thought Addison was going to hide under the table." She joked.

"Me too." He agreed. "I'm lucky I have such a wonderful, compassionate wife."

"Tolerable, I think you mean tolerable!" She told him as she kissed his chest.

"That too." He told her quickly. "And brilliant, beautiful, amazing...need I go on?"

"Please do..." She giggled.

"Sexy, irresistible...and mine. All mine." He said as he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.

"So Franceasca..." Meredith started.

"Please...I was enjoying this." He said sadly as he shook his head.

"I just feel so stupid. I'm sorry, Derek." Meredith said with a frown. "She definitely isn't your type."

"You think?" He joked. "She is something else. I'm just not sure what... She's been a thorn in my side forever. She's extremely fake." He explained.

"Why would you hire her?" Meredith asked. Why would you hire someone whom you feel so much disdain for?

"She's the best. I can't argue that." She said with a shrug. "But Marty seemed nice..." Derek said quickly.

"Seriously?" She said in complete shock as she pulled away.

"Yeah. He seemed like a nice guy." Derek said quickly. "I actually feel bad for him, stuck with her."

"Nice for a poisonous snake..." Meredith muttered.

"What?" Derek asked.

"Nothing. He just- Bad vibe." She said quickly. He was Franceasca's fiance. Fran was Derek's business person. She couldn't afford to make waves for Derek.

"Oh..." Derek said with a concerned face. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure it's nothing." Meredith said with a fake smile, to cover the real emotions she was feeling. "I'm just hormonal. From your little demons..."

"Thing One and Thing Two are not demons." He said, feigning hurt.

"We'll see about that when you can't sleep through the night because they are screaming their heads off." Meredith said quickly. Her stomach growled loudly.

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