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Warning...porny :)

After watching the fire until it turned to embers, Derek carried Meredith to their bed. She laid there with her head on his chest. It was a feeling she had longed for. A feeling of true peace and comfort. Neither of them had to speak. They just knew what each other was thinking and feeling. They both realized how stupid the whole thing was. They both made mistakes, and they knew it. And they couldn't wait for life to go back to the way it was. He laid there and breathed in her flowery scent, so happy to have it back. He listened as her breathing turned shallow and she drifted into a soft sleep. Derek held Meredith all night long. He soon fell into his own peaceful sleep, one he hadn't had in a long time.

Meredith frowned when she opened her eyes and Derek wasn't there. Her frown quickly changed when she realized he was in the bathroom. She could hear the loud rushing water. She silently walked to the bathroom and opened the door. She stood there. She wanted to join him in the shower, but she was afraid it was too soon. Last night she had realized how hurt he really was. She was so angry with her for reading her book, she hadn't realized how bad he felt. She knew that him having sex with her may be uncomfortable for awhile. It had to be. Especially knowing she had been with Drew, and that it wasn't awful. She looked through the shower door. She could see him lathering his body through the translucent door. The soap was slowly running down. She saw him turn and look at her. She quickly turned around.

"Are you going to stand there? Or are you going to join me?" Derek said with a chuckle.

"I. Um. Do you care?" She stammered as she looked at him with a nervous face. She didn't know if she was more worried about awkwardness, or being denied. She felt Derek grab her arm and pull her into the shower with him. She looked into his blue eyes.

"I do think those will be a problem." He said as he pulled her to him. The hot water quickly soaked through her clothes.

"Derek- If you're not-" She started to say. He quickly pressed his finger against her lips.

"I am always ready for you." He said as he grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Their lips quickly crashed. She felt his tongue thrust into her mouth with haste. She allowed it, and she began tasting him. He tossed the shirt outside of the shower and it hit the floor with a splat.

"You're sure?" She asked as she pulled away.

"Oh yes." He said as he tugged at her shorts. She quickly pushed them down and kicked them aside. His mouth attacked her neck and shoulder. She let out a soft moan. She had missed his touch.

"I missed you..." She muttered softly. He smiled as she looked up at her for a moment. She felt him move down to her breasts, sucking and teasing each one. His mouth moved down her abdomen. He knelt down and quickly tugged at her panties, pulling them off. He gently shoved her against the wall, pressing her back against the cold tile.

"Oh Mer..." He whispered. He easily pushed her up, her knees resting on his shoulders. The hot water trickled down both of their bodies. He looked up into her eyes, and smiled. He softly pressed her legs apart a little farther, and slide his tongue into her warm folds. He could taste her need.

"Oh God Der." She mumbled as she felt him pressing and sliding his tongue in all the right spots. The hot water gliding down and grazing her. His quickened his pace, as he moved in figure of eights. "Der, I'm...oh god...I'm..." She squealed as she felt her self tightening up. Derek tasted the warm rush that soon came. He felt her beginning to tremble.

"God, Mer..." He muttered as he dropped her feet to the floor and moved his mouth to hers. He tasted her sweetness as his lip sucked her bottom one, causing to to swell.

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