Chapter 3

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      The rest of the day was calm unfortunately. Taste Teas was in the middle of its annual summer slump, so about one third of my regulars from the adjacent university were home for the break. The financials of it didn't worry me as I always saw and prepared for it. What bothered me about the lack of customers was the lack of distraction from my ever-turning thoughts.

       Without a steady flow of orders to fill or the monotonous movements of my hands pouring coffee for the millionth time, my mind was free to torture me with repetitive thoughts about meeting my boyfriend's mom tomorrow afternoon, starting the tedious process of hiring a new baker since my old one was becoming a trucker, and whether or not Ashley would have the strength to leave her abusive situation on her own.

       I'd never been so happy to see five o'clock in my life. Devonte and Lana had already swept, mopped, and left by that time and Pasha had closed out the register. I checked to make sure all doors were locked and secured then grabbed my purse and drug my tired body out the back door.

       On the back stoop, my phone started ringing just as I put the key in the lock. I knew it was Manny without looking. He had taken to calling me around this time on weekdays since he knew I was off work.

       I dug my phone from my purse then juggled them and the keys as I continued to lock the door. "It was a hell of a day." I said when I answered.

       "Oh?" It was comforting to hear his voice after a long day.

       I turned the key in the lock until I heard the distinctive click. "Crazy story of a lady whose own boyfriend was blackmailing her."

       "What?" Manny's theatrical gasp encouraged my rant.

       "He found some old nudes of hers, then he had this secret account, and he threatened to leak them...It was a mess."

       "What an asshole."

       "Right? I pretty much had to convince her to break up with him." I trotted down the stairs; looking around for my favorite alley cat but he was AWOL. I continued to my car.

       "You had to convince her? Was the blackmail not enough?"

       "Poor self-esteem." I hit the clicker on my key ring and watched the rear lights flash twice. "How's your day going?"

       He got quiet like I'd asked him to explain the color blue or something. "It was fine."

       "Just fine? Nothing interesting happened?" I opened the driver door but paused.

       "Nothing interesti—let's not talk about work." A shady segue. He usually liked talking about work just fine. "Let's talk about Saturday!"

      I laughed. "You're trying to freak me out!"

       "She's nice, I swear!"

       "She raised you, so I'm sure she is—"

      I only had about three seconds to react. I heard the rapid stomping of feet first. From my left, someone was running right for me. I spun, my heart beat wildly. My purse clattered to the ground. My phone fell with it. Manny called to me from the concrete, humor replaced with concern.

       Where was my pepper spray? In my purse with the taser. The only weapon on hand then, was my pocket knife...

       "Are you Evie Harper?" The man said, his harsh voice echoing off the buildings. "Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend!"

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