Chapter 9

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       If Kelli Olson's alibi checked out, it was unlikely she was the murderer. That left two other suspects: Felix Rosario and David Howell III.

       David's Facebook page was mostly quiet, just pictures of family, business, and guns. You know, normal stuff. The only thing to link him to Noah at all was a single comment left on his page.

       Please stop.

       That was about a week ago, so definitely within range of our murder. Plus, there was the fact that Noah was shot, and David appears to be the only one with an affinity for guns. And when I say affinity, I mean, for every three pictures of his family the man has four where it's just him holding guns. Not to mention the pro-gun memes. At this point he should just divorce his wife and marry the second amendment.

       Not that I'm anti-gun. My father has guns. My mother has a gun. And my boyfriend has guns. And the only real reason I never had one is because I'm too cheap and lazy to fill out the paperwork... And, you know, low key a little afraid of them...

       But, anyway, there's a way to be a gun owner without being all weird about it! David Howell had made them part of his identity. He even had pics of him big game hunting in Namibia! So, you already know he's trash!


       In contrast to David's subdued plea, Felix wasn't shy about his displeasure with Noah's brand of business.

       Fuck you!!!1!!

       Eat shit you bitch

       Settle it like a man pussy! Meet me in the Big Lots parking lot on Talarand!

       If I were a comment psychologist, I'd think that spoke to an unnecessarily deep level of anger. Maybe he was even angry enough to kill.

       The header pic at the top of his profile page was some kind of action shot from a boxing match. The corner was stamped with some sort of fancy seal with the words Bragging Rights written across it.

       I Googled it and sure enough Bragging Rights was the name of a gym in town. If he's affiliated with them, he must train there. Perfect...

       "Evie! Hello!" Alice sat across from my desk with a look of utter annoyance across her face. "We getting lunch or what?"

       I'd called to see if Manny was free, but he wasn't. Henry didn't even pick up the phone. That must be some book. Ultimately, Alice had accepted my lunch invite, but since then I'd gotten sidetracked on my research. "Yeah, sorry." I turned off my monitor then pushed back from my desk. "I just needed to finish up some work."

       She kissed her teeth. "Girl, I'm on lunch I don't have time for that."

       That heifer knows she gets two hours for lunch. "Alright, damn, let's go." I got my purse out of the cabinet drawer and slung it across my shoulder.

       Alice stood and clutched her own purse. "Good, I'm hungry."

       "What you got a taste for?"

       "I was thinking about this Thai place up the street."

       "I haven't had Thai in forever."

       "Well, that's perfect then."

       You know what would be more perfect? Stopping by that gym. "I'll drive."

       As we walked by the kitchen, I peeked in just in time to see Jackson and Donna being cute over the deconstructed turkey sandwiches he was supposed to be constructing for the lunch crowd. Why is she here again? Does she ever actually work? Doesn't the hospital or whatever need her?

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