Chapter 18

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       Why would Noah go to meet with David after he leaked their salacious private chats? That was the conundrum. David had claimed in his drunken stupor that when he went to go meet Noah after his wife got the pictures, Noah mentioned that he never sent the chat logs and God knows what else, to his wife. He was pretty hammered, but I don't feel like he was lying or stretching the truth. But if it is true, then who sent them? Why would they send them? Who would even have access to the information?

       There was only one possibility, but I would talk to her later. For now, I would feast.

       The plan for this humid late evening was for Manny to pick me up and then for us to ride out to this little burger joint we liked in Orange Grove. I know what you're thinking. Evie, how can you eat out so much when it practically crushes your frugal little soul to spend even the smallest modicum of money on non-essentials?

       Don't let this cheapness fool you, I loved dining out...when other people were paying. And Manny was typically a gentleman about these, uh, yeah.

       After work I'd gone straight home to get myself looking purrty for my man. I hadn't seen him in a couple of days, so I decided I'd wow him with my outstanding beauty and actually doll myself up a bit instead of being a lazy heifer like usual. After a shower I put on a cute little blue halter dress that hugged me just right in all the curves I didn't have to create the illusion of some womanly shapeliness. Looking at myself in the mirror, I smoothed a vagrant wrinkle from the fabric of my dress and smiled at my reflection. What's this now? A waistline? I put my hands on my hips and gave a little twirl. Has there ever been a finer woman in existence? I think not!

       Once I finished laughing at myself, I got out the industrial strength curl pudding and set my hair so my curls would snap, crackle and pop. Lastly, I put on my makeup. It seemed like a lot for a hole-in-the-wall burger place, but it wasn't propriety that made me grab the...probably expired foundation...I should replace that later...

      It was Manny. He had seemed distant for the last week or so and I wanted to cheer him up because it was hard to see someone who's usually so calm and lighthearted be weighed down by something outside of his control. I didn't know exactly what that something was, only that it had to do with work and that he wasn't willing to go into details. Hopefully my charming self could help take his mind off it for a couple of hours at least.

       Just as I was spritzing on my favorite perfume, a fragrance he'd mentioned he liked, a text came through.

       I'm downstairs.

       I gave an embarrassing little squeal of joy than went to get my shoes. I was throwing my keys in my purse and heading out the door when the phone rang. I answered with a chipper, "Hello?"

       "Hey, ready to go?" His voice sounded sharp. Must have been a bad day.

       "Yeah. I'm locking up now."

       "Could you hurry? I want to get through Orange Grove before traffic gets too bad."

       I paused in the hall near my neighbor's door. "You feeling okay?"

       He sighed. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

       "'Cause you"

       His tone when he answered was worse than sharp. It was aggravated. "I'm fine. I was fine the last time you asked me that, and I'm fine now."

       I started absently walking forward again but my stride had turned from joyful to cautious. "You don't have to yell."

       "I'm not yelling!" he yelled.

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