Chapter 22

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       "As you can see, there's plenty for your lawyer to argue in court."

       Ashley stared at the tablet with a feeble little smile. "It looks fantastic!" She looked fantastic too—well, better than the last time I'd seen her. More washed. That was a good sign.

       I'd put together a digital file last night before bed that laid out my entire investigation. There was thorough background info on Felix Rosario, Kelli Olson, and David Howell, as well as exhaustive notes on each suspect and a complete account of each of their means, motives, and opportunities. Any lawyer worth their salt would be able to take the information and argue competently that Ashley Pham had nothing to do with the death of Noah Walker.

       What the police did after that was their business.

       "Great. I already emailed a copy to you." I took the tablet from her hands then replaced it with a freshly printed invoice with all the lovely fees and charges she owed. "So," I said, all business. "Here's the invoice. If you write a check, make it out to Harper Investigations."

        She avoided my gaze. "Here's the thing..." Oh, geez... "Money's a little tight right now with the lawyer and half the income I usually have..."

       My soul sighed but my smile didn't waver. In fact, I think my face almost cracked from the effort. "Okayyyy..."

       "I need to borrow from my parents."

        "Mmm hmm..." Still smiling...

         "Shouldn't take more than a couple of days."

        Sweet baby Jesus, grant me the serenity not to go off over these people playing with my money. But, honestly, how many times must you test me with people trying to nickel and dime their way out of paying me? As a businesswoman I find it offensive...but as a human being...when you're broke, you're broke. "Two days, then." I said.

        "Two days." She stood suddenly and brushed at the imaginary wrinkles in her skirt. Then she looked me in the eye and said, "Evie, I just want to say...thank you."

         My icy heart softened a bit. This must have been a hard week for her. "Just doing my job."

        "I know but, I don't know what I would have done without you."

         "Thanks isn't unnecessary." That's why God invented currency. She can thank me when she pays that bill.

        "Anyway, I need to go." She started easing toward the door.

       "See you in two days."

        "Of course." I waved goodbye as she walked herself out.

       She wasn't so bad. A bit meek from time to time and obviously living with limited means but a sweet girl, nonetheless.

        That's why it'll be a shame to have to take her broke ass to small claims court but come day three and that's where I'll take her.

       With the case almost officially closed, the rest of the day continued on as normal. I went through the motions of slinging coffee as usual. Jackson hadn't come back yet so I'd had to make the days pastries again but with a little practice it went much smoother than the day before. Still not folding butter, though.

       Around noon I was rounding the corner from the dining area to the hallway when I ran smack into Johnny. Once I re-stabilized I gave him the once over and noticed his tee-shirt covered in splotches of brown paint. I checked my shirt to make sure none of it rubbed off on me, but it must have been long dry.

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