Chapter 24

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       The air outside Taste Teas was so hot and humid it felt as if the sky itself was sweating. Though the sun hung low, clinging to the horizon as it made its early evening descent, the temperature hadn't cooled down a bit. I wiped a hand across my brow, now damp with sweat and snagged some of my hair when I dropped my hand. The swampy air was already turning my curls to frizz and images of me meeting Manny with a fuzzy mess on my head danced before my eyes, but damn it, it was after four and my obligation to be cute ends with the workday.

       I turned the key and waited for the pronounced click that let me know the back door was locked and secure then bounded down the back stairs on a wave of good cheer. I didn't know why my spirits were up—it'd been an ordinary day—but far be it for me to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially with the week I've had.

       My head swiveled from side to side as I walked across the narrow drive that ran through the alley, still weary of my surroundings after my brush with the stalker. If there even was a stalker. Even if there wasn't, you couldn't be too careful. Not in this crazy world.

       There hadn't been a repeat of the incident, nor anything else concerning so naturally I started wondering if I'd imagined it. Wouldn't be my first bout with paranoia. But then again, it wouldn't be my first bout with a murderer either.

       I pushed the anxious thoughts out of my head as I backed out of my space and rolled slowly through the alleyway. Whether I'd been followed or not there was nothing I could do right this second without real proof, so I was choosing to think happier thoughts. Happy thoughts like the fun popcorn movie I was about to go see with my boyfriend. A movie I'd been waiting to see since I'd stumbled on the first preview four months earlier while trying to YouTube how to change the bag in my vacuum. And a trip to the theater was always welcome in my book.

       I smiled as I drove, hitting the headlights just as I turned into traffic. As I pulled up to the stoplight on University Blvd, my fingers strumming along to the radio, my phone rang. It was Ashley Pham...calling after four thirty like I didn't have business hours. I thought about ignoring it but the only thing it could be about was my money. I sighed and turned down the music. Stay positive. Today was a good day.

       I answered with the last burst of customer service energy left in my body. "Hey," I chirped. "What's up?"

       She answered flat, like something had knocked the wind out of her sails. "I got your money."

       "That's great."

       She paused like she was waiting for me to say something more. "I thought maybe you could swing by and pick it up now."

       My brow furrowed. "Now? It's almost five."

       She paused then came back quietly. "I know I just...want this over with."

       I didn't want to do it but then what chore does anyone want to do? If I put it off, I'd just have to make time for it tomorrow and by then I may not be able to squeeze her in. "Alright, where are you?"


       "Oh, I'm not that far. A bit of serendipity, eh?"

       She didn't bother to grace me with a pity chuckle. "Uh, yeah. Sure."

       I hung up then prepared to change lanes. As I hit my blinker, ready to detour back onto one of the side streets, I remembered Manny. At the next light I dialed his number and put him on speaker. I should invest in a Bluetooth.

       He answered quickly. "Hey, you. On the way?"

       "I'm going to be a little late."

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