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       "Your mom knows I'm Mexican, right?"

       I rolled my eyes but nodded. I brushed at the imaginary dirt on his shoulders and noted with displeasure that he'd chosen to pop his collar today. I only sighed at that, preferring to save my energy for more important battles. "You're not nervous, are you?"

       Manny smiled down at me. "What? No. She'll love me."

       We stood on the raised sidewalk in front of the Metro Diner taking refuge from the heat under the building's characteristic green and white awnings. I'd chosen to wear a nice skirt and blouse combo, and he'd chosen a pair of dark jeans and a polo shirt with the offending collar upright. I'm starting to think he does that to irk me.

        "I'm liking the confidence." I chuckled. "You'll need it."

       His smile didn't waver. He pulled at the glass door and held it open. I walked through, giving him a sassy eye roll as I passed him.

       The temperature inside was cool, almost too chilly. It was a welcome relief to the sauna outside but maybe I should have brought a sweater. Oh well. I'd live. I looked over the smattering of tables and chairs, and booths and counters until my eyes landed on the tall, light skinned middle-aged woman perusing a thick green menu near the back.

       "Mom!" I waved from the hostess booth then weaved my way through the throng of chattering diners.

       Mom stood to her full height, a towering five-eleven and smiled. "There's my baby!" She almost always chose to dress down. She wore a simple collared shirt and some khakis, her wavy black hair was pulled back into the same low bun she'd worn since the day I met her, barring special occasions.

       When I got to her, she pulled me into a tight embrace as if I hadn't just seen her two days ago for brunch. Then she commenced with the cheek kissing and I had to wiggle my way to freedom.

       "Mom," I said as I moved some stray hairs back into place. "This is Manny."

       She sighed, her lip curling like it does when she wants to say something sarcastic. "Why are you acting like we haven't met before?"

       Manny was all business as he held out his hand. "Nice to see you again, ma'am...under better circumstances."

      She was highly amused by that but only smirked and shook his hand. "Call me Gina, young man. And that ugly business with Jackson is water under the bridge."

       "Did you order?" I asked as we sat down.

       "Just coffee. You know I have to have my coffee." From my estimate this was likely her fourth or fifth cup.

       I propped open the menu on the table in front of me, my heart set on breakfast of the eggs, hash brown, bacon, and English muffin variety despite it being one o'clock.

       When the waitress rounded her way to our table Manny ordered a coffee and I decided to try today's tea special, a sweet mango flavor that was probably terrible, but I was curious.

       A boatload of charges had been leveled at Kelli Olson, but she hadn't been to trial yet. When the detectives had told me I was aghast even though I knew she deserved every one. Murder, kidnapping, embezzling, fraud...they'd likely lock her up for a long time.

       The only charges she wasn't getting was two counts attempted murder for me and Ashley. As Detective Ibarra explained to me later, it's not that they didn't believe she planned to kill us once she got us to the second location, it's that there was no concrete proof that would get it to stick with a jury. It was already an uphill battle considering how well regarded she was.

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