Chapter 8: Nostalgia

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1 Year Ago/Earth-2

"I can't believe you finished all of that" my brother laughed, as we sat on the Rock of Raouché, overlooking the Mediterranean ocean.

"What can I say, I love kafta kabobs" I said as I munched on another one.

"I know. It's why I had to bring you here so you can have genuine kaftas."

"And I am so lucky to have a brother who can fly" I smiled.

"But I also wanted to in a way say, I'm sorry for how I treated you when I was under the influence of red kryptonite."

"Clark, it wasn't your fault. You weren't yourself and I can't hold that against you."

"But still, I did it. I hurt you badly, both emotionally and physically."

"Again, that wasn't you."

"Except, I remember every mean and nasty word I said to you. I can't not feel bad, especially you being my little brother."

"Habibi, stop beating yourself up. I'm not holding it against you and I never will. Just move on and let's focus on the fact that we're a family."

"You know, I'm so proud of you" he pulled me into a hug.

"Oh stop it" I said, bashfully.

"No, I mean it. You're an excellent student and an excellent brother and I especially love how you don't hold grudges. You see the positive in all things – even when things are not great."

"Where do you think I got it from? If not from you."

"Either way, I am proud to call you my brother."

"Aww, thanks. I'm also proud to call you my brother – Bhabak khayé!"

"I love you too!" he again pulled me into a hug. "Now, what do you say I take you flying all around Beirut and we'll make a pit stop in Baalbek?"

"Sounds like fun" I got up. He held me and up we went.

Beirut was such a beautiful city and Lebanon, as a whole, was a small but beautiful country with a rich history.

I have seen Lebanon suffer from afar and up-close. It was a country that has been through a civil war that lasted for fifteen years, economic downfalls, revolutions, political corruption, and a fire that eventually spread into the heart of my people that lead to yet another revolution. My country was once in ashes but my people rose from them, like a Phoenix.

"What do you think?" he asked as I observed Beirut from way up in the heavens.

"It's so beautiful" I said, in awe. "I want to come back one day. I want to live amongst my people and in my country."

"One day you will."

As we observed the entire city, we then flew to Zahlé, then to Baalbek. Standing on my native soil and being here gave me a sense of belonging. A sense of hope that one day I would return and that by then my country would have advanced and left behind the scars and trauma of the corruption it faced.

This moment with my brother was one I wish would last forever.


Present Day

Remembering that day brought me both happiness and sadness. Happiness because it had been one of the best days of my life. Sadness, because it was a moment I knew I would never live again and a moment that sadly did not last.

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