Chapter 23: Devastating News

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"Laurel" said Clark.

"Hello Clark, been a while" said Laurel.

"I know. And who's your friend?"

"This is Sakher. We came to help you guys. We just heard Mar Novu came back with another warning."

"It's nice to meet you" said Clark.

"Likewise" said Sakher.

"Thank you for showing up to help. The crisis is starting again" said Clark. "And the paragons have been identified" and he pointed at Khaled and Louai.

"Good, they must be protected at all times" said Laurel.

"In the meantime, I'm going to go see Cisco's contact and get him to fix this thing" I pulled the extrapolator out.

"Is that an interdimensional extrapolator?" asked a surprised Laurel.


"I thought those no longer worked in this new multiverse?" she asked.

"The old ones no but this one does, though it's a bit limited at times" I looked at it.

"How so?"

"When my girlfriend from Earth-2 came to visit me, she said it could only be used twice, to go to the universe you intend to go to and to come back."

"I see. Any other kinks?"

"She had to go back within seventy-two hours."

"So three days. Okay, I see how that's a bit of a kink then."

"Yep" I agreed.

"I'm going back to Smallville and take my family to safety until the crisis passes" said Clark.

"Okay, Superman" I said and flew off, sending a gust of wind. "Let's go" I said.

"What exactly is going on with the device?" asked Sakher.

"Stupid thing doesn't want to open up the portal to Earth-2" I said, angrily, wanting to smash this thing but realizing it would complicate matters if I could not get the JSA's help because of my anger bursts.

Laurel's expression changed. She looked a bit off. Almost like she knew what this could mean.

"What is it?" asked Khaled.

Laurel stayed quiet for a long time, feeling insecure all of a sudden.

"Laurel, what's with the expression?" I asked.

"In the original multiverse when the original Earth-2 was destroyed which was also my home universe, it was because a wave of antimatter had destroyed it and I saw it in action as it obliterated everything and only barely managed to escape with John Diggle and Oliver Queen."

"Okay" I suddenly felt something bad in the pit of my stomach. "So what could this mean in this case, then?"

"It means that our home universe was likely destroyed by antimatter, again" her eyes started to tear.

Only, I was not going to believe this had happened a second time. I refused to believe that my world along with my family and friends had been obliterated by antimatter. Plus, the crisis had not even begun.

"No, Laurel. Earth-2 cannot be destroyed, it just can't!" I exclaimed.

"Dawoud, you have to face the possibility that..."

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