Chapter 4

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Like a pro, Rylee inspected the man's wallet, his valid Ids, and all things inside his bag. She found a branded perfume in a little bottle which she loved the sweet-manly scent the most as it is the scent she smelled being seated so close to the man a while ago at the bus. She also found an ATM card issued by one of the biggest bank, a checking booklet, a car key and a ring. A ring? A beautiful diamond ring, to be exact, only it was not put in a box.

"What's the ring doing in his pouch? Is he some kind of engaged? He looks so handsome that all women could fall for. Is there anyway he was dump?", she told herself imagining she belonged to the group of women who would easily fall for him.

All his IDs showed his name consistently which means, he is not lying but it does not mean, he is not harmless. She also found a huge amount of cash. A huge amount for her.

She decided to keep all his things as a form of security, just in case the man will do anything against her will. It's not that she will allow anything to happen...just in case.

"Well then, I will keep and lock all your belongings in my cabinet including your cash. Are you okay with that? " She finally told him after opening the door.

"What? What for? Did you not see? I am harmless? Can't you not differentiate between a bad guy and a good looking guy? " He said half smiling and smirking.

"Get out then! " Rylee shouted.

"Deal. Its a deal! " He rushly answered while offering his hand, afraid that he will be thrown outside in an instant. "Luke is my name. I am 27. " He added seriously.

Without answering, she goes near him. She raised his hands in the air. She then began checking all his pockets, his hips, and his chest for possible deadly weapons.

"Whoa! Can't get enough of me? Can't you not wait until we will go to the same bed together? "

" Shit! Shut up! Overconfident are you? You are not even my type? "

"Then, why are touching me? Did you not realize your are hugging me and you are touching my hard ...chest? It also made my " down there" hard you know? You wanna look? " Luke used his middle finger to prove his point. "Oh God! Why my middle finger?" He noted to himself. He immediately closed all his fingers hoping what he just do go unnoticed by Rylee. "How totally jerk I am indeed. I'm screwed." He said.

"You pervert jerk!" Rylee said angrily, blushing like a tomato but still gazed her eyes on the location Luke had pointed.

Seeing a big bump on his pants, she felt a sudden urge, a desire she never felt before, a wonderful feeling so new to her, that she can't help but shiver.

" I...I need to do it. It is mandatory. Look, I don't know you, and I allowed you to come into my house. " She uttered.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I am sorry for earlier. But I can assure you, I am a gentleman. I have no intentions of...of... doing anything with you...I mean...   After you got out of the bus, I do not know why I followed you and now I realized I no longer have a choice but to knock on your door". He sincerely stated.

"Oh, that hurts!" He had no intentions of doing anything with me. She silently told herself.

Luke told her of his broken car, and how he is lucky to be safe and rode on the bus. He even told her that his last meal was during a quick breakfast with only toasted bread and omelet.

"Since your cash is quiet big, I can make you salad although I only have lettuce, grapes and apples. Also, I can prepare a..."

"Do not bother. I can eat what you already cooked. I am not picky either. I can see that you already started your dinner and I am sorry for interrupting you. I really do".

Luke sound so sincere that Rylee concluded he can be trusted, somehow, and also if she will rely on his looks, which she knew is wrong, she can conclude that she is in good hands or the opposite.

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