Chapter 11

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Elaine left early in the afternoon after spending time with Rylee. She had known Rylee as a person who always believe that everything happened for a reason. She have even memorized Rylees' quote that says, "All things are done according to Gods' decision and plan", to which Rylee posted in the walls of their room in college for the entire four memorable years. Thus,  she cannot help but think that somehow Rylee is hoping that fate or destiny will brought her and Luke together in no time.

Rylees' POV

She felt lonely after Elaine left.  She turned on her laptop,  and a message from an unknown Facebook user appeared.  She just deleted it immediately as she cannot afford to entertain again another stranger in two consecutive days.

Sunday came like a blink of an eye.
Rylee wore a pink floral dress hugging her body perfectly with a Korean Style one inch sandals with spaghetti straps. She looks so stunning adding up her shiny but curly almost blond long hair.

"Thank God I catches up the 9:00 o'clock mass. " She said.

The Cathedral was along the heart of the city.  Once inside,  she noticed that it is inspired by a Western architecture with purposely high wide nave to accommodate a big congregation.  It has two aisles on either side.

Rylee turned left as she found the right place for her to seat.  However,  someone grabbed her arm causing her to be out of usual balance. Instead of falling,  she was saved unexpectedly by the same beautiful pair of eyes who haunted her unsteady mind and heart more than many hours she can imagine since she met him.

"Hi....Hi! Im sorry." Luke started while helping her to regain her balance.  Their eyes met sending another form of burning hot feeling to Rylee.

"Hell... Hel...lo Luke. " Rylee answered surprised. 

" How have you been? "

"Ah.. Am... I'm fine ...yeah...fine now,  I guess. "

Raising a brow,  Luke continued, "I'm thinking of inviting you to go with me here. I dropped by your house before coming in here but your no longer there.  I kind of forgot to ask your cellphone number. " He shyly added while absentmindedly hand brushing his hair.

After going home that fine morning from Rylee's house,  he tried to search for Rylee's Facebook Account and sent her a message but he received no reply.

" So you see,  I am kinda... hoping your already here since you mentioned to me that you rarely skip church and there are no other churches in this place and right, I am right. "

The mass is about to start so Rylee just pulled Luke arms going to the vacant seats at the left without making any reply.

Whispering softly to Rylee's ear he said, " Lets have lunch together after the mass." His lips almost touching her earlobe causing all her body hairs to stand.

Again,  Rylee made no reply.  How can she react when her mind is in total chaos. She is already surprised that they met at the church,  how much more on his invitation to go to lunch together while messing with her ear. She thought their story had already ended the moment Luke said goodbye, leaving her small fantasies into just a dream.

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