One day

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You're walking through those huge doors
Thinking you'll be different this year
But you're still the same girl
Whose never gonna fit in

When you hear giggles and gossips around
You see everyone hugging each other, laughter echoing in the halls
A solemn tear falls down your cheek
You'll look down then walk and try to get through the day
Your body looks calm compared to how tangled your mind is
You'll look upon the sky trying to find some solace
Earphones on, block away the sounds
People would look your way but don't let them drag you down
Cuz one day You're gonna be the person everyone will envy
You'd be successful and rich
You'll find a friend who won't leave your side
You'll find love and happiness
You'll have everything one can want in life

So pick yourself up take your bag and try to get through just one more day
Cuz it'll change
It's definitely gonna change one day.

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