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Dedicated to  @Kitegsf

Today you are here
Tomorrow you may not
And just like that
These days will be lost
All that'll remain
Are the memories of you and me
In my darkest times
It'll keep me company

Now that you're gone with the wind
All I have are the memories of you and me
I think back to the day we met
Was it fate ..or destiny?
We never know how long the memories will last
But I promise you
No matter where I go
You always are gonna be in my heart

A/n :
I was writing this for months but it wasn't coming out like I wanted it to be but I'm just publishing it now cuz life is not perfect just like this poem.
I didn't know why I was writing this until today
I dedicate this to my wattpad bestie who ..I can't even explain.. she means so much to me.. (I wish U'd stay but I know u won't.)

Sorry for the shitty grammar I hope you all enjoy this.

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