Chapter Eight

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     Athenadora hated crowded places, mostly because everyone was on top of each other and some people were rather rude with shoving others around to get where they wanted to be. When the corridors were packed during her Hogwarts years, she could remember Fred grabbing her hand and leading her through the crowds of people; George following not to far behind with a smile on his face. She missed those years, back when everything was perfect, before Fred and the rest of her family were gone.

      Over the last few days, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes had been rather packed. Many products sold out within a couple hours of the shop being opened. Athenadora and George were stocking shelves every other hour or two. The more people meant the more money they earned, but it also meant the more work they had to do and the more tired they were when they went home.

"Want to go to the Leaky for lunch, 'Thena?" George asked, looking over at the girl who had just finished stocking a shelf of love potions.

"Yes, I'm starving." Athenadora replied, turning around to face the boy who was stood behind the counter.

        Geroge led Athenadora out of the store, locking it behind them so nobody could steal things while they were gone. George didn't want to believe people would steal from his shop, but he couldn't put it past anyone either. Anyhow, as soon as they entered the Leaky Cauldron, George found them a seat to have lunch.

         Draco had seen Athenadora enter the Leaky Cauldron, but this time with the last living redheaded twin. Draco remembered that Fred Weasley, the older twin, had died during the Battle of Hogwarts, which made him feel terrible. He knew Fred meant a lot to George and Athenadora, but there was nothing he could do to bring the older boy back to life.

"What can I get you?" Draco asked, walking over to their table.

"Two butterbeers and whatever is the special for today." George answered, not making eye contact with the Malfoy.

       Draco nodded slightly, not knowing what to say to try and ease the tension. Instead of saying anything at all, he walked away and began their order. As soon as it was finished, he walked over to the table and handed them their things.

"Thank you, Draco." Athenadora said, smiling slightly at the tall blonde.

     George didn't say anything, but he did set his questioning glare on Athenadora. He didn't understand why she was being so nice to Draco Malfoy. George felt like Draco was one of the many reasons his twin brother was dead, so Athenadora had no reason to be nice to the blonde boy.
As soon as Draco walked away, George decided to open his mouth.

"Why are you being so nice to that git?" George asked, causing the girl to scowl.

"It's called hospitality, and I'm not being too nice. He served us our food and I thanked him. Why should I be mean to him?" She retorted, crossing her arms slightly.

"He and his friends are the reason Fred is gone, Athenadora." George said, nowhere near as friendly as he always seemed to be when talking to the girl.

"George, I get that you're mad, I do. I am mad Fred is gone, too, but Draco wasn't the one who killed him. He wasn't given a choice, just like any other child who was forced into that life." She said, causing George to scowl in return.

"No choice?! Athenadora, you're defending them. Draco was evil all throughout his Hogwarts years, especially to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He called them names and acted as if he was better than everyone else just because he was a Malfoy. There's no reason for anyone to see any good in that guy." George spat, not realizing Draco could hear every word he had said.

"If that was the case, than why did he give Harry the wand to take out Voldermort, huh? As far as I'm concerned, Draco payed for what he did. He needed help, but noone was there for him. Believe it or not, not all Slytherins are bad. Besides, it was Augustus Rookwood who killed Fred, not Draco. I'm not defending him for what he did, but I'm not putting more on him than he did do." Athenadora replied, as she continued to eat her lunch.

       Draco tried not to listen to anymore of their conversation, but he felt as though he should thank Athenadora. Though she did not say she was defending him, he felt as if she was in a way. She was someone special to the wizarding world, even if she didn't see it. Draco was happy to know her, even if it was just barely. He hoped to talk to her again, even if the talk was very brief.

        He wondered if he'd ever be able to talk to her with George around, or any of her friends really. The Weasley family and her friends weren't too fond of Draco, so he knew he'd never actually be able to talk to her, unless she was alone. He wasn't even sure if she would talk to him again, but he really wanted to try.

"Let's head back to the shop. It should be crowded again within the hour." George stated, causing Athenadora to nod.

     Hearing that the shop was going to be crowded again, like he had seen it be for the last few days, gave Draco some hope. If he could get off before the shop became somewhat empty, he may be able to talk to Athenadora without being hexed by her friends or the Weasleys. He wondered if she considered any of them friends after what he had heard about them, but he couldn't jump to conclusions. He could only hope for the best when it came to trying to speak to Athenadora once more. He knew that his mother wanted better for him, especially after the Battle of Hogwarts, and he couldn't help but wonder if Athenadora was his better...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Normally my stories wouldn't seem so cliche yet, but I promise this one will get better soon.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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