Time to Explore Part 1

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-Wednesday, May 18, After School-

While waiting for Akira to arrive, Melody decided to show Ryuji some of her favorite videos. It was in English, but luckily it had Japanese subtitles.

"I don't get it, why's the flower some kinda TV thing now? And why's it so damn cruel?"

"That's what 6 human souls does to him I guess. Also... Apparently he doesn't have a soul?"

"...Yeah I still don't get it"

Thankfully, Akira walked up soon after and saved him from a 'Strap in, buddy' explanation of the video from Melody.

"Hey dude" Melody greeted.

Akira waved "You guys on your way to the hideout?"

"Yeah" Ann then saw someone walk up to Akira from behind "Who's that?"

The man simply said "Excuse me... My name is Nakanohara. Natsuhiko Nakanohara, the one who was posted about on the Phantom Aficionado Website"

"He seems pretty nice. Doesn't seem like the stalker type. I think the change of heart must have worked" Ann whispered.

"It's nice to meet you, Nakanohara-san. I was told you were coming by that site's administrator" Akira looked like he was used to exchanging pleasantries with adults.

Nakanohara nodded "They told me to look for someone in a Shujin Uniform with a cat..."

"Ah, thankfully I didn't leave him at home today. What brings you here, sir?"

"You may have already heard, but there's someone I wish to trigger a change of heart in. ...An artist by the name of Madarame" explained Nakanohara.

Akira, in a surprising turn, lead the conversation.

"I see... And for what reason? You see, we can't ask the Phantom Thieves to change his heart without good reason"

Melody noticed he had an entirely different air to him. Almost one you'd expect from a CEO or other higher-up. He showed confidence that he never had before, but she could tell. He was doing this on purpose. Like he's been conditioned to do so when in situations like this.

"I'm... One of Madarame's former pupils" Nakanohara told the group "He gave me lodging at his home, where I thought only about art. I genuinely wanted to be an artist. There was another pupil as well. A very talented man, multiple years my senior. Obviously, Madarame kept tabs on him. Everything he made was claimed as a Madarame original. He wasn't the only victim though..."

Akira nodded "Alright, so there was plagiarism taking place... Anything else that was noteworthy?"

To this, Nakanohara looked sad.

"In response to Madarame's actions... That senior pupil committed suicide"

"Suicide..." said Ann quietly, disbelief and shock in her voice.

"He must have been unable to bear seeing his work praised under Madarame's name. That was when I disobeyed Madarame's orders and left. ...But he quickly pressured other parts of the art world, and my life as a painter was destroyed"

"What did you do then?" Akira made sure to engage and ask questions.

"I tried to turn over a new leaf working at a ward office... But it was no use. My attachment to art warped my emotions. Soon I began getting attached to everything... In the end, I even turned into a stalker... Ha... Haha..."

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