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-Friday, May 27, Early Morning-

"So, how'd the movie go?" Akira asked Melody.

"Oh- Yeah, we had fun! I even taught him about bringing candy from the convenience store in, as long as it doesn't make too much noise"

Akira chuckled "I didn't take ya for a rebel, Mel"

"Well, y'know, my family sometimes likes to cut corners when it comes to fun expenses. Why buy marked up theater candy when you can get some from the dollar store and sneak it in, y'know?"

"...Please don' tell me ya snuck in soda"

"Wh- Duh! I'm not gonna sneak in pop!"


"J-j- B- Listen! It- Th-th-the- The whole thing is pop, but like, I call certain ones lik- Like th-their names n' stuff. Like- J-j- I refuse to call it 'orange pop'. No. Never!" ranted Melody.

This made Akira laugh more. She's so amusing.

"Did- Hehe- Did ya tell Ryuji after?"

"Tell him what?"

Akira's smile fell and his eyes widened.

"...That ya like 'im. Y-ya did, right?"

"Aah! Was I supposed to!?"

"Oh, jeez..."

"Ah, it's you two..."

After that was said, Yusuke approached Melody and Akira.

"Hey, g'mornin' Yusuke! Ehhhh, we're just havin' a situation here..." Melody greeted, still frazzled.

"A situation?"

"Melody forgot ta tell Ryuji that she likes 'im" clarified Akira.

"Why would she not? Are Ryuji and her not friends?"

"No, as in..."

Melody covered her face and said "Aaaaaah! Don'tell YuskerabouditIdon'wannahave'imtellrjji..."

"Mel, calm down" soothed Akira "Don' work yerself up"


"Melody, I can't hear ya"

Melody only whimpered behind her hands, keeping her face firmly behind them.

"...Are you cryin'?"


"Hey, hey, c'mon now... It's not that bad, you've got plenty more opportunities..." Akira attempted to calm her down again, rubbing her shoulders and back to ground her.

"Mmmm..." she whimpered.

"Shhh... It's alright. And, hey, keep an eye out in a couple days. We're gonna send the callin' card soon"

The distraction of phantom thievery allowed her to have something else on her mind, and Melody took her face out of her hands.


"Mhm. You'll be cheerin' us on, won'cha?"

"Yeah! I-I will!"

-After School-

Group Chat: LGBT(hieves)+

Joker: Here's the plan for the next few days.
Joker: I'm hanging out with Riff today, and then tomorrow we're going in to secure the treasure route.
Joker: Then on Sunday, we send the calling card. And come Monday after school, his treasure's as good as ours.

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